Putting together a team, one last job

So here's the sitch.

We band together and form a University, what will our classes consist of? "Life" we'll charge egregious amounts for the course around 120k that people take out a hecs loan for (gov pays for uni in Australia) that we then put into a trust that then redistributes to our "students" and ofc we get our cut.

Been looking at it and it seems all legal, anyway who is in?

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Peterson is based.

Based on what?!?

Jung and Nietschze mostly

And checked btw on both posts.

Have you listened to any of his lectures? He constantly references Jung and Nietschze among others, but those 2 are possibly his biggest influences.

>watch peterson's old classroom lectures before he ever bought a nice suit
>he's the professor you'd be thankful to roll. Bants and cozy vibes
>still a generic liberal arts professor, the type you'd pretend to be a little extra leftist for just so your paper wouldn't be scrutinized too hard
Conservatism, huh? Alternative right, huh?

The Overton window has moved. Now if you don't believe your daughter should have her tits chopped off and invert her vagina because she likes trucks you are considered a bigoted alt right neo Nazi. Peterson drew the ire of leftists because he opposed the Canadian law that enforced pronoun usage. Ever since then demented leftists have demonized him at every turn

that pic brings to mind peterson calling out Zizek that every single soc prof is a communist or socialist (this is what Ted meant by conformist rebel), and zizek got wild applause for saying "show me these commie profs" as if it was an argument
yes they are almost all socialist leaning

Jp has his issues i like the Ted take keeps me on my toes. JP definitely tried. He didnt go full Ted and blow shit up which may or may not have been the better option. Most people have no stomach for violence and those that do are a bit fucked in the head.

Ya the old vids are some of the best. Hes like Rick and Morty now. The first season was amazing. But now its turned to complete shit by the fan base and success.

Is a fagget. I almost like him but get angry because I know he knows what he is doing is wrong. Hes smart enough to know it as opposed to a unaware idiot.

Checked? What are you checking?

If you washed ur penis

Then we invest that money in making scholarships for ultimate champions, employ new students to make money for us. In one year we would make it. Sounds good op count me in

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i love it, when do we begin?

based on facts and logic

he's a jew bootlicker

he used to be ok, now he has lost the ability to think.
watch a new interview with him and count how many times he uses his catchphrase "it's not that simple"

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>what will our classes consist of
Economics. Lits and lots of economics, people should know that the ONLY force that drives the economics is the law of supply and demand, and absolutely every situation should be seen through the prism of the supplyband the demand.
Then politics. Not "current events", but the basic political systems, the nature of power, the nature of corruption (the economic solution for the missing society institutes). Corpocracy and the power of the transnational corporations should be in the front and center, because this is the current political system.
Then, of course, the history of central banking as the combination of these two.
Then a lot of STEM, because the university should produce people who are self-sufficient and can afford not to suck the government's dick.

even smart people can get brainwashed user
ziz knows he's wrong but his emotions (or something) get in the way

Doubt it's simple evil intent, you never know of course but I doubt it

Culture war bullshit has completely eaten his brain, he's got a one track mind now.