>being sober

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It’s fine don’t be a cuck

Why yes I don’t drink alcohol or use drugs.

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I drink at least 3 shots of tromba tequila as a night cap for health benefits.

I also drink 2 bottles of red wine every other day for dementia benefits

Why can't we not be sober?

Hard liquor is disgusting. Maybe some good quality honey whiskey or a few beers now and then, but getting absolutely drunk is nigger tier.

I’m champagne drunk in reims france right now
>check my ftx baance
>still 22million

Once you rid yourself of drug and alcohol addictions you feel free and feel high on life

I feel good sober

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>needing mind-altering liquids and substances to get through the day.


I drank a bottle of wine and then smoke some concentrates last night for the first time in a long ass time. It made me paranoid as fuck. Sober is better bro

If you drink beer as your go to you’re a good goy

You feel bloated, intake too much woman hormone, and have liquid shits the next day

Red wine gives you nice solid shits the next day and doesn’t have the added sugar

Its so boring
Top kek
Honey whiskey? What are you black?
That feeling fades pretty quickly. Ive quit several times. Tho this time I feel like I wont start smoking weed again.

2 drinks is fine. Its the 3rd that drops your testosterone by 30% . I dont really even like drinking Im just so bored would rather get high but then I eat too much and im tired of being fat.

>Congrats – you're sober. It will take a while for your body to remember how to metabolize anything that isn't sugar from alcohol, so you're going to be pretty ravenous soon. Eat plenty. You can expect your coordination and balance to improve in a couple of weeks. In two months, you might start sleeping like a normal person. Full recovery will take years, though. It’ll be depressing. And it’ll be boring. Don’t expect any further rewards or handclaps. This is how normal people are all the time.

>would rather get high

I smoked weed throughout highschool just to try be cool but I can honestly say I’ve never enjoyed the high off weed unless it was smoking poppers. Alcohol may fuck your mind and body up and just fuck your life up in general but it is still more fun than smoking weed

Very strange to me how peoples mental or genetic make ups determine the reaction to a substance

cope if I ever saw one

I was drinking 3-6 IPAs 4-5x a week and smoking concentrates every day/night for a full year. I was craving alcohol at every evening. And then I was taking adderall and kratom so I can focus on my daily work and get shit done (research crypto and some office work) After a 8 months of doing this, I was likely getting fucked up even though my body was not fucked up yet. I was still working out.

I went to see to see a psychiatrist and was diagnosed with impulsive adhd. They offered meds and one of them was adderall. I chose one that was non stimulate because I already know what adderal does and I wasn't that much of a fan of it nor did I want to take those daily.

So I went with a non stimulate adhd medicine. I know everyone hates prescription medicines and shit blah blah but once I started taking it, I no longer feel the need to smoke concentrates nor drink. It was nuts.

Now I drink only once a week with friends or something.

There was something my body was yearning for and it reached out to thc, alcohol.

Unsure why but the prescription medication made me not need anything else anymore.

Had I not go to the psych, I probably would still be on that nasty diet.

Having this clarity made me realize how great sober life is. Try to obtain it

how the fuck did you get adderall so easily???

>natural life is a cope
Kek kinda agree

>I quit several times
1. You didn't quit
2. You are in the realm of addiction

Kek how are you so blind

I had a relative that had access to it. I wasn't a heavy dosage user, I only used a consistent small amount less than 10 mg when I needed to be productive. After seeing the psych I could've started getting it with a prescription though but chose not to

On my moms side i should be alcoholic. On my dads side his dad smoked cigs. My mom drank and smoked a little. My dad doesnt even drink coffee. Loves to eat and fat tho. Homer Simpson fat not Family Guy fat. So i dont know. It took a lot of effort to get into drinking . Even now ive stopped drinking everyday. Just when I relapse ill drink till I go to sleep. Feel like shit the next day. If i just drink everyday then I rarely get hang over. The weed also helps a lot. Dumbs me down makes not give a fuck. Find myself reading more not playing vidya, giving a fuck at job. Really dont find much of anything really enjoyable. I just love being dumbed down for a lack of a better word. Hoping if I just loose enough weight and start lifting again it will be worth it. One night of drinking fucks my sleep up for days now.

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Ya no shit sherlock.

Pray to Jesus

I went to detox and a treatment center in February. I did around 120 days of sobriety and was totally committed to never drinking alcohol again. I slipped and now I can't stop slipping whenever I try to get back to abstinence. Fuck bros... I felt so fucking good at that many days sober.

>"Why yes I don’t drink alcohol or use drugs." He typed in his bedroom alone, and then used his pale noodly arms to move the mouse to the Choose File button and opened his gigachad folder.

There's a chance that we become addicted to alcohol or thc simy because our body chemistry is off and needs something to help it. Thc helps a little with attention and interest in things and alcohol helps with depression for a moment until you hit the comedian.

We reach for what is available to us and think that's what is helping and then find ourselves addicted.

Once I found the medication that fixed my exact problem, i didn't care to smoke nor drink. It makes me believe that I wasn't truly addicted yet. How did I come off of those things so easily when other people need to go to rehab or alky anonymous.

I highly suggest going to a psychiatrist for any depression problems. Spend that crypto money if you have to. My life changed for the better although I do have to take a prescription medicine. But fuck, this has to be way better than what I was doing before

> Really dont find much of anything really enjoyable. I just love being dumbed down for a lack of a better word.

Very relatable friend, I also have the added degeneracy of being a gambling addict

Amazingly I’m still up on gambling, but besides drinking gambling and smoking there’s not much I can bring myself to do. I quit my job a few months ago so really all I do is self destructive shit