Only Pokemon in existance to be based on a species of Grass

>Only Pokemon in existance to be based on a species of Grass
>Not a Grass type

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it looks like bamboo because of the kaguya origin but its not literally bamboo

she's also based on a fucking rocketship and princess kaguya

She's an alien

>user finally begins to understand that extradimensional lifeforms are unconventional

Celery isn't a Grass

better than the gen 5 designs

There is not a single Grass type Pokemon based on a species of grass, which is more unconventional and the point.

exeggutor is a palm tree, palms are grasses, exeggutor is grass type.


Oddish is actually not a species of grass.

Stop acting white

>based on a species of Grass
isnt it a fucking rocket?

>Ramen flavors out of nowhere

nah I am not white and not from the US, thus addhering to their standards isn't weebish.
So stop acting white.

omg is that an elon musk referece

A bamboo rocket.

Not reading your blog, weeb

Since no one will give you a serious answer.

Yes it is based on a bamboo motif but, as with many post-WWII interpretations of Princess Kaguya, it is given a science-fiction twist in which Kaguya ascending to the Moon is considered proto-scifi material (see Kon Ichikawa's film or Kaguya in Persona).

It also makes sense thematically because bamboo was used primarily as a crafting and construction material and so does steel in the modern world, so it's a good typing to represent that figure. Flying obviously referenced its rocket shape which is used to reach back to the Moon.

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bamboo is a type of tree