Why do Vancouver suburbs look so much nicer than American ones?

Why do Vancouver suburbs look so much nicer than American ones?

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Vancouver's a shit shithole overall. Not sure why anyone would want to live there.

because there isn't any americans there to make it unsafe + having laws that actually help people in society not just the rich


Now this is some master bait

>Vancouver is a shithole, b-because..IT JUST IS OKAY?!

>extreme housing prices
>shithole drug-addict filled areas
>high population density and traffic
I mean, maybe it's just that I don't like large cities. I'm sure it's pretty decent compared to other cities that size.

I lived there for 6 months. Vancouver is beautiful and a really cool city. Reminder what you read on Any Forums is not actually real life


Funny thing it still beats American suburbs lmao

Unless you're Vhinese or Punjabi why the fuck would you live in Vancouver?

What part of what I said is incorrect though?

Attached: hastings-street-sidewalk-vending-downtown-eastside-vancouver-british-GXFM1N-1976419925.jpg (1300x957, 322.68K)

Except it doesn't

vancouver is a shithole.

>chink overlords

That's an older suburb. Older American ones look better as well. It's the new shit that is soulless.

North van is legitimately an oasis. I'm 5 minutes away from beautiful waterfalls with natural pools. 10 minutes from sandy beaches. 30 minutes away from 3 mountains.

>why does x suburb of a north American city beat x suburb of other city
What a boring fucking topic, go buy a 2 million dollar house there

At least he doesn't live in Calgary where you can't even retain your good hockey players, cry more.

>shithole drug-addict filled areas
It is one block in the city where all the crackheads hang out, I think I've seen your mother down there

This looks like downtown LA, why are bums allowed to muck up historic downtowns so much? Makes zero sense

nice place -> high rents -> only rich rootless cosmopolitans can afford to live there -> this

The pic of drug alley proves that the entire city of vancouver is like that. Rational logic always wins the debate.