This African American keeps crashing my portfolio. I dislike him strongly, financially speaking

This African American keeps crashing my portfolio. I dislike him strongly, financially speaking.

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This fat fuck should ask Bezos or Thiel for some HGH. Disgusting

ay dios mio….es el hombre de forma cubica….

He’s another bullshit artist just like Trump says he is. Trump is always right.

built like an uncooked chicken breast

This but unironically.
Good luck Elon, with your EVs. And good luck with you rocket ships to nowhere!
Remember, you're never getting off this rock. No one has ever been past LEO

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God damn I can't unsee him as an uncooked chicken breast now.


They're called niggers user

What the fuck is with his rib cage?

Why did he pull out bros? African Americans aren't supposed to be able to do that

kek, and I dont even speak spanish.

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How do you get huge nips like that? Is that that happens with age or are those people into nipple pulling?

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This 100%. -fellow FE space cynic
Do you listen to Globebusters on youtube?

The real question we should be looking at is who is with him

>be rich
>have this body
Why? Even you don't care about looks, being that unfit and having posture that shitty would just be uncomfortable

Elon Musk looked disgusting—nipples protruding—on his yacht in Greece. Very very disrespectful.

Alex Jones mode pure power


>a grifter looks like another grifter

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the fact that despite being world's richest won't give you your dream physique is what makes me feel good about myself as someone who is physically million miles better than musk even tho i play team fortress and time raiders while he steals ideas and invents stuff based on them kek

what a retarded comment

most billionaires are ancient (like 60+) and sedentary. of course they dont look like athletes