I want to gift my mother with a trip to Dubai, because in December she will be 50 years old. I have half the money...

I want to gift my mother with a trip to Dubai, because in December she will be 50 years old. I have half the money. If I invest in some promising crypto, I might be able to pay for the trip by December. Suggestions?

Attached: TRAVEL.jpg (640x427, 98.4K)

So she can get pooped on by dubai sheikhs?

Dubai is a horrible place

i love dubai
don't be jealous, nigger

Ducky. It's an excellent opportunity because was launched recently. Strong community, quick profits. t/duckbinance

Dubai is a desert, and tryhard cringe. Save your money for some traditional Mediterranean town.

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sell your mother

Why would you send your mom to a soulless shithole like Dubai?

And raw dogged by camels?

>smells of poop and is full of angry turks in your way

I hope your mother dies before December.

muslims were exterminated in 1923

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>muslims were exterminated in 1923
i wish

Never understood why normie roasties go to Dubai. You know Muslim men are legally allowed to rape white women there, right? She'll get raped and if she goes to the police she'll get raped there again too, and then thrown in jail for being a whore and having premarital sex.

Sounds like a waste of money if you're not rich. Buy her something useful

Listen to this individual. Dubai and the Middle East are not good places to be. Just to be clear, I'm not talking about the people. They are beautiful and are free to practice their religion as they please.

Now let me get into why dubai is terrible. It's the worst visualisation of capitalism. It is full of skyscrapers, overly fancy buildings, and people who avoid paying their fair share in taxes by moving there. There is no sidewalk access/bike routes like developed countries like the Netherlands, Germany, Denmark. Everyone just drives around in fancy cars that they don't need and destroy the environment. If you go there you are supporting the economy and therefore all the Russian oligarchs who park their money in the UAE. Avoid this place at all costs.

Dubai is boring as fuck if you don't enjoy whores and drugs and driving in circles in a luxury car. I went there once for 4 days and apart from shopping with a bunch of cringe Richard Hearts and doing coke there was nothing to do

>their autocratic conman cult religion is SO beautiful
>reeeee russian oligarchsssssss

Dubai and the Middle East are not good places to be. Just to be clear, I'm talking about the people. They are obese and inbred and their "religion" is schizophrenic nonsense made by a murderous child molestor.

I'm going to give you an actual 2x by mid August if not sooner. You're gonna either ignore it because it's stocks or think I'm lying. But if you do it. You will 2x. Put your money in Robinhood or Webull. Gotta get options permission. Today or tomorrow at the latest buy $17.50 puts with Aug expiration on the ticker USAC. it will start dumping next week. Why? Because Friday is the exdividend date and it ALWAYS does this. You're welcome.

If you try this come to /smg/ and tell me USAC worked for you and I can show you how I consistently make money on this with that ticker and a small handful of others. No gimmicks. Not joking. Consider it serendipitous that I saw your post....I never browse biz except to get to smg

Dubai? Seriously? There's nothing to do in Dubai, is a boring place