I am 28 years old and have only 10k to my name

No degree, living at home.
Currently doing the learn-to-code meme
But I am thinking, I should just spend all the money on a trip and just fucking end it. I fucked up. Time to accept my place in life

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fuck that dude, pick yourself up and do something.

if you really want something different with your life bad enough you can absolutely change course and be successful.

As long as you aren't gay, or black, or have differing opinions from me.

Definitely don’t end it buddy, that is some really bogus, 1st world problem kinda shit to be on the ledge about, but I would re think the whole prospect of the learning to code meme. If you do manage to get in before the tech bubble bursts, you may find building web apps and software to be even more depressing. If your under 30, think about an apprenticeship in the trades. Kids don’t want to work at all anymore and they’re in for a rude awakening. You could make just as much as the techies in the near future with no education and be able to look at and feel good about what you’ve done. There are so many possibilities for an user your age. If you’re a reader, pick up “The Leap”. Class example of someone who finally decided walk away from an enviable career so he could reach further in life to be truly happy.

T. Electrician with critical OCD and mild depression

Fuck you jannies

Do you work out? If not you better start right fucking now.

Inb4 larping about having millions at 30 years old begins

Nigger you're only 28. Stop being a little bitch and go get a real job where you work with your hands. Jesus some of you are pussies.

Nigger you are 28 lmao you still have plenty of years left. Learn how to budget and save properly and get a job while learning to code. Also work out.

SPBP. Build houses and railroads so they get cheaper, goddamnit.

i know how op feels im 22 only 400k net worth missed the bull run

I'm 40 years old. I had zero money at 28 but then thanks to some small help from my dad, l started a business. In 2 years I became a millionaire. If I could do it, so can you, OP.

so not only you are a loser but you want to do it without taking some of them with you? I guess you deserve it

Buy the first shit coin that gets skilled to you. You'll thank me latter.

Nigger what the fuck are you talking about. Get a 60k+ a year job and save up for a mortgage. The fuck are you on about. Build equity and raise a family. Totally doable

I am 28 years old and I never even kissed a girl

Do they actually call e-cigs fags in the UK? I mean, I know they've for quite some time referred to traditional cigs as fags. But keeping that energy alive in the pozzed age is fucking based.

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having 10k is like better off than 70% of the country

not op but in the same situation. how do you just get a 60k job with no skills

you LIE motherfucker
you LIE at least TWICE as much as the fucking niggers pimping you for your time do to you which is a fucking lot no exceptions

Got nothing to lose? boohoo gonna kys?
Good news nigger- You can be whatever the fuck you want. Pad the shit out of your cv, word things in an attractive way, get a couple of buddies to be your reference, etc etc
Godspeed mf

I'm 37 and have zero money, technically I have a slight debt. You can accept your place but try not to insult others who also end up with zero points, we all know the game is rigged and unfair.

I'll kiss you user.

Ignore the demoralizing shill and move on. Thank you.

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I feel you OP i'm 18 and have a net worth of only $700k, im sick of being poor