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>experts say

I'm going with Elon on this. Sell now

Funniest shit is reading these articles and you find out the "expert" is some Moonboi Youtuber

>man dressed as a woman

Thank you based bobochad


Experts say OP tongues my pozzed asshole daily.

Btc could also hit $100.

kek magick is all you need

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this article is correct, satoshi himself told me so

Here's your experts bro

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Great Max Keiser said it would hit $400K last year. What happened.

Honestly hate that fucking disgusting muppet by now. What a lousy, spineless person. He actually said that it was easy for him to pump Bitcoin on social media because his costbasis is less than 100 dollars per coin. Literal Ponzi lord

I'd bum kiana up the shitter

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Every time lol

>cathie wood

I believe them

Fuck. Top signal. We going to 10k confirmed