Error 10015 is bs

I cannot believe that I have forked over cash for 8 fucking years, in order to be with my bros, only to find that I got given a dodgy silvally in SM wonder trade and am now locked out of doing anything.

Don't worry game freak are only indie devs.

Attached: Screenshot_20220519-014743_Pokmon HOME.jpg (1080x2640, 971K)

transfer it tard

This is why I only transfer my in game team.

Autists pay the autism tax
Data isn’t your bro, play like a normal person and you wouldn’t have this problem

don't be mad at GameFreak. be mad at the evil people who basically sent you a pokemon computer virus

Would be a good response, it this hasn't been a reported problem since 2020....

>tfw I used to shit boxes of badly genned Pokemon into WT

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You just can’t use the Silvally or what?

Wait is this an actual problem? I got my live dex from pkhex and have the magearna in my Sw/Sh cart right now lmao

It's a 'bad egg', it can't be released or transfered, and since the new update, now doesn't let anything be moved at all

Solution is to Delete the software from the switch then re download it

They didn't lock me out of Home. They didn't know they would. ILCA did know

I can't believe they still haven't fixed the crash when scrolling through your pokemon too fast

That doesn't work I tried it so shut up unless you have the actual solution asshole

Tried moving the bad egg I think is causing the issue to the last slot. It gives me this error instead

Attached: 20220518_225224.jpg (4128x3096, 1.77M)

Thanks for the heads up, will comb down my suspects before transferring them from Bank to HOME

Stop cheating.

btw, did you try contacting support?

NEvermind, I deleted the save file and started it up again but I'm getting the same error now.

It shouldn't let you transfer illegal mons anymore, it jsut didn't care at first and turned them all into bad eggs.

>he didn't hack his 3DS
>he didn't pick up a switch early so it could be hacked
>he never checked the legality of his pokemon in pkhex
>he kept the same PID and location data on everything as he pasted sets
Scaredfags, Latefags, Lazyfags, and Retards. When will they learn?

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Damn I hope I don't get some fucked up error like this when I start using Home again. I think I have some PKhexed mons from Gen 5 on it.

I have a gen 1 switch, are you saying I should be able to get rid of the bad egg by hacking it?