How much did vaxx

I lost at least $65000 in income after I was fired for refusing to be a cuckold lab rat.
The vaccinated owe me and I will harm them every chance I get until I'm made whole.

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I collected a year of unemployment plus stimulus check plus an EIDL loan. Then all of that easy money pumped my crypto bags.
Covid was the best thing to happen to my finances ever

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Just get it you plague rat

You got cucked by vaxxmaxx'd bulls. Get fucked!

I was made to WFH for an extra 3 months by my government.

I got both my shots plus a booster and had zero side effects whatsoever. You cannot listen to propaganda posted on Any Forums.

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You'll be able to buy a vaxxies house for pennies on the dollar when they firesale it to fund their end-of-life hospice costs. Just be patient.

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You wouldn't dare say that to me in real life. I'd kill you if you somehow found the balls but most likely you'd lower your gaze and meekly mumble something about trusting the science.

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How many yachts have you got from selling your unvaxxed sp*rm so far fellas? Im at 3

This but unironically
Crazy how these 'climate change induced blood clots' only seem to hit 'people' who took the kike spike.

Aim for top of the pyramid, OP.

I have a family to feed and I’ve only ever worked in healthcare so I made the choice to get it to keep my job. I was looking at potentially months and months of unemployment had I refused it because I’m a healthcarefag. I have a family to feed and that was unacceptable. I find the concept of vaccination to be evil, I think covid doesn’t even exist, and I have never or will never speak positively about these vaccines to anyone.

RIP in peace, dumbass

he got triple vaxed to help stop a cold/flu. r.i.p immune system

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You will never be fully vaxxed.

>t. chinlet
>t. manlet
>t. facelet
>t. musclelet
I'd literally slap my dick on your forehead and you'd barely let out a whimper in protest. GET. THE. FUCKING. JAB.

Not only that but they wasted two years of your life. How much is that worth to you?

I'm matchmaking vaxxie friends and family with others. I feel it's a good karma to facilitate vaxxie to exchange body fluids with other vaxxies in their final months and years. And to keep purebloods away from your kind whilst we wait.

>giving yourself aids just to wagecuck

You really can't make this shit up. I know plenty of people in healthcare that didn't cuck.

>muh family cope

Laugh out LOL

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>listen to propaganda
no you just slurp it up from mainstream media, they've just been CHAMPIONS of truth and honesty this whole time.

Work from home so nobody cares whether I got it. So I didn't, obviously. Feels good man.

Had Covid-19 this winter. One day of fever and two more days of runny nose. Oh no, get your booster right now or you'll DIE!