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Cody's new name is Elton Prince?!

Cody already got a name waiting for him and that is Stardust.



Based Effy

>two of the most flamboyant music artists of all time
Who is getting this extremely gay but extremely talented name?


velveteen dream

The gimmick is going to be Velveteen Dream but fat.

>Naming your new star after TWO faggots

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There's no denying that a fat, queeny, diva-strop manager would be an awesome gimmick.

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I think an Adrian Adonis type fairy who can still kick your ass if he really wanted to would be a good gimmick

>thinks prince was gay
dude was religious as fuck and crushed puss

Sounds like a complete dork

Yeah, it was hilarious when Prince died and people went to write their "Prince helped me come to terms with my sexuality" pieces, only to find a bunch of quotes from Prince about how God hates fags.

The fat black faggot on NXT

lmao this is really what they are going with for Cody my sidefs

>3 syllables
It's going to be LA Knight's main roster name

tomasso ciampa

Kevin Nash

>only to find a bunch of quotes from Prince about how God hates fags.
that was projection like ultimate warrior