ITT: tough pills to swallow

>HMs are only bad because they take up moveslots, otherwise they are a great aspect to the series. Needing to catch a water Pokemon to travel across water makes perfect sense and deepens your connection to your Pokemon instead of some soulless ride Pokemon that's not even yours.
>It's okay to like legendary Pokemon and use them on your team, unless you're specifically challenging yourself.
>Grass is a good typing (great resists and utility moves more than make up for the five weaknesses)
>Tyranitar > Metagross

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>>HMs are only bad because they take up moveslots
No, they're bad because they force you to keep specific Pokemon on your team just to finish menial tasks. it's as retarded as if they made a Metroid game that only lets you carry 2 beam upgrades at a time and you have to go back to the save station to swap them. It's completely retarded game design that adds nothing to the game except a stupid chore that requires no real thought.

yeah HMs are great but sm's pokerides is probably the best idea, it just needs to be implemented more like early gen TMs. I'm not bothered that it isn't your battling pokemon. Pokemon games should game as few unnatural roadblocks as possible, HM-limited exploration is king.

I don't really agree. It's a little annoying and certainly affects replayability a little bit, but it does require a bit of planning and organization to optimize your team for both battle and HMs and that's interesting to me.

>don't plan team
>see water tile
>go to PC
>add lv2 fish shitmon to team
>finish going on water tile
>put lv2 fish shitmon back into PC because the lv2 fish shitmon adds nothing to my party if I'm not on water tiles

what quality does this add to the game exactly?

Getting to play and travel with anything you want will always be superior to being forced to put something that can surf/fly on your team.

>what quality does this add to the game exactly?

Based. I always start every game by turning on walk through walls.

It's not even that HMs are bad because they take up moveslots - Surf, Strength, Fly, Waterfall are all pretty decent filler and even Flash with modern buffs is passable as Sand Attack clone with bit better availability.
Problem is that besides Gen V GF had no fucking idea how to use them - you had shit like in Hoenn where they decided to put rugged rocks after Maville just to fuck you in the ass or Sinnoh where you need like 6 different HMs to get through Mt.Coronet.

HMs should be used to gatekeep player from optional content and items, not being forced on them for even attempting to play fucking game. And if needed then make it cool - throw some puzzle, throw some interesting location, make it bit different than just rock in middle of way.

Everyone already agrees on this. It's not a hot take, you're just out of touch.
Yeah true, but I think lots of the pushback is ironic, like mocking people for leveling Dex in souls games.
>grass is good

I prefer the HMs being roadblocks instead of the bullshit they pull otherwise.
>I saw a footprint, let me record it. Shit its my footprint
>There are sheep sleeping.

What type is the best and why?

Makes you change your approach for different situations which is good, even this is a great example of how you carry a smaller battle ready team to explore new areas. that's sweet.
I think that surf/fly are a bit restrictive on types, but I have honestly got into the habit of not using fly and learning to maneuver regions quickly without it and it's fun

Fairy because it's cool and I like it. Let opinions be opinions, you don't have to justify shit to anyone.

>Makes you change your approach for different situations
Going to the PC to pull out X shitmon so you can click A in front of Y obstacle isn’t “changing your approach”


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exp share being mandatory isn’t a problem and the games are just as pathetically easy even without it.

yeah it is, you changed your team, didn't you?

The games aren't as easy with less exp. they aren't hard games out of the box, but it can be better than gen 8

The solution I've always liked was to make HM moves fun to use. Make Cut Physical Grass 70 BP with increased crit rate, for example.

>The games aren't as easy with less exp
Yes they are.

>your opinion is wrong
>what's yours and why do you think that
>just let me be myself bro I don't have to justify myself
I don't care if you're not him. You're all the same.

If you play pokemon games with only one pokemon then you have no right to bitch about muh pokemon distribution.

Yeah my opinion is grass is bad. I don't expect that to ruin OPs day, it's just an opinion. He shared his and I'll share mine and it's fine.