Crypto will go to zero on the 28th

Crypto will go to zero on the 28th

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This dumb bitch has been wrong the last 10 calls, oh wowww she predicted the price would be lower than last week when we had 11 red weekly candles! Holy shit she's a genius!!

reported this post. low quality bait

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this lmao her win rate has to be like 35% max

Oh god please @marenaltman I know you browse this board please be my wife I fucking love you so much. Your beauty is unparalleled, your stunning features sculpted after the goddess Aphrodite herself. You are absolutely divine, your jaw-dropping looks make my heart pound and leave me speechless. Please, you don’t even have to be exclusive to me, you can date and sleep around with other men whenever you like, but I promise on my mother’s grave that I will always be exclusive to you, for why would I ever desire another woman when I already have the perfect one in all the world, nay, the universe. I will cherish you, never take you for granted, be at your service and always be at your beck and call. I promise to be the lighthouse that guides your way during stormy seas, the fireplace to keep you warm during the coldest nights, your home where you can rest when you feel weary. You are the love of my life.

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Now that the loo face is bearish, mumutards say she was never right.

>wrong the whole year

holy shit she looks like a pile of puke hahahahahaha

shes extremely ugly


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Fuck this tranny kike.

Yeah that’s not astrology it’s common sense. Rate hike the day before and official recession announcement that day.

>hehe i post whoreoscope btc girl's twitter again
>i'm epic and not a simp at all

easy money

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Imagine wanting this woman to be your wife. Bar is set so low...

Oh boy, I'll buy some chippies for my chippie dippies mmmmm nummy dippie chippie dips!

Imagine browsing twitter

I am literally and unironically god and I said (in the dawn of time) that on the 28th in the year of myself incarnated 2022 BTC will be 27k.

my vote for most pathetic Any Forums post fucking ever holy shit bro