>no Finland region

Attached: finlan.jpg (720x540, 72.66K)

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what's the point when it will be a part of russia soon?

pic related would be players starting room

Need a wifebeater customization option for player character

Why didn't the West just make friends with Russia after the SU fell, and let them join NATO and all that other shit? It worked with Germany, it worked with Japan, why was Russia the one they felt needed to be the pariah forever? Especially when they were in the perfect position to become friends with?

Attached: 1635138509273.png (204x248, 6.51K)

Russia just wants autonomy in its own corner of the globe. NATO and China are the ones who want world domination.

Putin bots are even here? Sheesh

Attached: image.png (146x128, 33.38K)

They should just make a region based on Russia. Since they're probably going to be expanding their territory soon.

Are you faggots still shilling that shit? It's been a CNN talking point since 2016.

Japan is NATO?

Because America is a Jewish puppet that works for global banking interests.

finland is joining nato

when are we getting the nato region?


Gens 5-8 are NATO just as gens 1-4 were Japan.

We already had two regions filled with niggers.

This witch better be a Pokemon orr a regional form for the Hatenna lines

sorry buddy we'll get the incel Any Forumstard region to represent you soon

amerimad detected

and yet nothing happened

Gen 1 - 4
Ethically and racially homogeneous with pokemon based on culture and folklore.

Gen 5 - 8
Racial mixing pot with pokemon based on random garbage. Both figuratively and literally.

What did Game Freak mean by this?

Attached: Makes you think.png (994x995, 37.51K)

It helped install Joe Biden as president of the United States.