My entire networth is in the hands of this man

My entire networth is in the hands of this man

Attached: FX-QgN-WQAIzurB.jpg (600x900, 94.75K)

Other urls found in this thread: Ave & State St, Skagway, AK 99840/@59.4554945,-135.3178981,3a,66.9y,359.72h,79.8t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sqKC5vps0LpAyT_WPUYnkdg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!4m5!3m4!1s0x56aaa9286c87a6e7:0xaa19e77fdf0a7f2e!8m2!3d59.4555343!4d-135.3177594

Might as well hold BTC, has about the same price action with a fraction of the risk.

Your networth is a burger?

Financially speaking how fucked you you be if I hunted that man down? Ave & State St, Skagway, AK 99840/@59.4554945,-135.3178981,3a,66.9y,359.72h,79.8t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sqKC5vps0LpAyT_WPUYnkdg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!4m5!3m4!1s0x56aaa9286c87a6e7:0xaa19e77fdf0a7f2e!8m2!3d59.4555343!4d-135.3177594

Attached: I will find him.png (789x848, 1.02M)

May the Schwartz be with you.

where 2 cop his fit?

Which token is this the ceo of? ICP?

Attached: 1639592374303.jpg (500x567, 52.58K)

This ugly freak is the primary reason I've never bought XRP. I cannot in good conscience buy anything off of this greasy monster.

xrp, but not the ceo
but how could you look at this absolute unit and not have total confidence in the technology?

Attached: 0B9CE528-77BD-4F5D-B7B6-B8F08E1BF711.jpg (900x675, 74.29K)

i know exactly. he looks lie he sits in a basement and does nothing but write code.

do you think he smells like mildew?

Attached: style.jpg (564x1260, 101.15K)


best in the game, boys
undoubtedly in the early days of development
probably like a ham sandwich now

you’ll take the L to the hog in due time

Attached: A24541F5-B29B-4D3C-9FBC-A400330091B6.png (366x456, 288.47K)

Attached: DW8m8uWXUAA2q-5.jpg (902x1200, 160.33K)

hover hand chad

This photo is is offensive to me, why even hug at all if you are going to avoid touching eachother. What sort of metoo bullshit is this

50% of my portfolio is with this man. Honestly, kinda scared.

idk who tf this is but he looks like a pedo. not the rich jew epsitein type of pedo more like white van masturbate at kids during recess type of pedo

Charles Hoskinson?