Nice to meet you user! so.. what do you do for a living?

mentioning crypto seems like a terrible idea
we spent a lot of times staring at charts but something like investment banker also sounds kinda cringe

any idea bizbros

Attached: ds.png (542x766, 1.09M)

just say independent investor

Women don’t want to talk about money or finances in general they just want to “subtly” pick up on the fact that you have it.

but you are letting her know that you are probably loaded

Digital asset portfolio manager
Or just say you're "in tech"
If you're an artist throw down some quick photoshop work to keep in your phone and say you're a graphic designer

I put rohypnol in overpriced coffee.

That's the point, give them the idea that you're loaded without being too direct about it.
It makes every women I met wet

Lol just say you work from home doing some tech form of tech bullshit

>Hello my dear ma'am user nice to meet you too. I know you are very bussy person so let me come to the point. I have a very great opportunity for you
>"Coin with based white dev and great community"
>Do you know the about binance chain ser....

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These are all cringe and women have no respect for that.
Just flat out lie and say you’re managing a team of asset managers or you’re the head of asset management.
Don’t bring up tech or “digital” anything.

"I'm an investor."
That's it. If she's a dumb whore after money she will be content with that.
If she asks "what kind of investmets", you can start talking about crypto and stocks and if you know your shit you can have a nice conversation that makes you look good.


I just say I'm a drug dealer

P o r t f o l i o
M a n a g e r

I'm a DJ and aspiring model

>bare brick wall

I don't know why you guys have to be so formal
I unironically take to bee yourself pill so I would say something like "degenerate gambler" and then clarify that I do investments

I don't know or care about what you typed because of your lust proving image but it's actually a shitty instathot, shit fakeass pose, handle on wrong side of cup, espresso spilled everywhere, basic bitch fashion, unappetizing muffin, bathroom tile tables, hipster ass brick wall interior that was shittily done, the more I look at this image the more I get angry at how shit it is

if she seems rowdy
>drug dealer

if she seems more cautious
>i saved up for while to take a break and work on personal stuff

it doesn't matter what you tell them as long as you have social grace

Tell her you sell the bodies of the dozens of women you have drugged and chained in your basement.

Say you do contract work and you're under NDA. Say you wish you could tell her but there'd be serious consequences if your employer found out.

Just subtly drop your zestimate and watch her retreat to the bathroom for a quick bean flick.

This, unless you're a salty rentoid who is priced out forever

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Murders and exections.