What would you do with 200k in cash?

what would you do with 200k in cash?

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Pay most of my mortgage and continue living

go all in on geojam

100k gold
100k silver

Put it in 4 coins, I will tell you 2 of them
>1. btc
>2. eth
I keep the 2 other coins to myself.

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Sell it all.

all on red

Is that money you can afford to lose? If yes, then all in crypto. If not, try to find something to at least cover (part of) inflation. Each country has different options of investments, so you should say which country you live.


Buy watches.

All in avax, sell at 400k

Two chicks at the same time.


What are their races?

wait for the big dump and then buy. it'd be a generational wealth super launch

she looks very soft, I want to poke (with my penis)

Put it in a savings account and use the interest to dollar cost average into speculative markets

If fuck Asian escorts every day for 2 years

market buy stinks

Some in lunc and hold rest for housing crash

If I had 100k I would buy 100k worth of NEAR and stake it and 100k of MAXX and stake it. MAXX Finance has a NFT drop going right now and the NFT adds 10% apy, so I would pick that one up to boost my rewards to around 80%. I would then live off of my staking rewards in Thailand.

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live carefree for a decade

Wait to see if sp500 goes to 3000, then wait to see if it goes up past 3150. If it goes to 3150 then say opps missed the bottom and buy. If it keeps falling buy at 2780.

Or buy a used 996 turbo and btc. 10k leftover for hookers and blow.