If I am such a big fraud, why has no one managed to put me behind bars yet?

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He´s irrelevant. Nobody cares of what he do or stop doing.

This. He is a lol cow to everyone else. BSV bagholders are the only people he ever defrauded with his financial advice. Any lawsuits would have to start among you guys and nobody will care to help you.

this clown is so irrelevant minus the occasional clown shit he pulls trying to keep up the im satoshi lie that pops up occasionally.

NSA are trying to sneak a WiFi canteloupe up his ass to get evidence against him

Is that Mark Cuban

Being a pathological liar is not a crime. It's just annoying or laughable or both.

Samefagging this hard. BSV is Bitcoin, Craig is Satoshi, Greg Maxwell is a faggot, Adam Back is a criminal, BTC is going to zero.

This is like arguing altavista is better than lycos in 2020.

Can't answer the question directly, huh?

Attached: snandsn.jpg (1224x689, 93.48K)

The cope. The festering axwounds. I can smell them.

Because you're glowing.

Good question. If Craig Wright is such a fraud, why is BSV more fit to purpose than BTC?

Why was it reported that CSW was "relieved" despite having to pay out $100 million to the Kleinman estate?

One other question: CSW took the stand and testified in court on Nov 8 2021. Whay did he say under oath? Did he speak privately with the judge and council in judge's chamber? Why were 50 BTC from a virgin address mined in 2010 moved that day? Why was November 7th, 2021 the ATH of BTC? Why did BTC begin a 70+% dump on that same day, November 8, 2121?

You're allowed to lie about everything and generally be a retarded asshole, it's not illegal, and when you have millions of dollars from being an early adopter you can make a lot of people do things for you even if you're an idiot

Based and Satoshi pilled
These threads are laughable at this point
Anyone who has done any independent investigation or research should know the truth by now. Funny how Craig gets so much attention imagine the clowns having to make daily threads attacking him. It will make things so much more enjoyable when the house of cards comes crashing down.

BTC lost nearly $1 Trillion in market cap. This dump started the day CSW testified in court.


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What is your point? Anyone can make threats on the Internet.

>house of cards comes crashing down
You are underestimating (((these people))) These are the same people that hijacked the The United States of America and created the United States Corporation. These are the name stealers. This is what they do.

The idea that the "truth is going to come out" and just like that BTC will go to zero and BSV will moon is very naïve. These people control Media, Finance and Government. They have been doing the same thing for hundreds if not thousands of years.
