Did the update unironically help gmt or is there something else going on behind the scenes?

Did the update unironically help gmt or is there something else going on behind the scenes?

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kill yourself emojiposter

that fucking emoji, go back to facebook you fucking waste of life

The update just made everything more expensive faggot what the fuck are you talking about lol.

The only reason why this thing is """recovering""" is because the whole market is having an exit pump


are the cryptogames getting updates for real? i thought that the games that were made didn't had more updates because, well, i don't know,I don't even have a single crypto in mypossesion

>Did the update unironically help gmt
yep, they made important changes, added things and there are good investments in between

dangerously based

>are the cryptogames getting updates for real?
only those who care about surviving, the rest are scams.

GMT has done well, including in the bear market. I have made good money investing in them.

They rose from 0.7 to the dollar in the middle of the bear market, which is saying a lot.

>I don't even have a single crypto in mypossesion
what the fuck are you even doing here you broke nigger LMAO

This. Indeed, this is one of the things that you should have in consideration when you are thinking to start playing a crypto game is exactly that one, the fact of how many updates have that game had in a range of one and three months

my tooth hurts, bye.

>is there something else going on behind the scenes?
pic related manipulating prices all over again. what else is new?

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>30 cents is saying a lot
Nice way to out yourself as a poorfag


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The Holocaust never happened in the first place. Stop spreading misinformation.

How the hell this mf is able to manipulate the prices? He's just one of the biggest whales in existence, but anyways, it isn't to rich to do a manipulation like you're supposing that it is happening on

show your bags faggot

An update isn't going to magically revive an nft game from the dead, just so you all know....

Yeah? Which ones?

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