Cast Challenge winners announced

Brainlet here...was not Chainlink supposed to win?

Hello @everyone ! Here are the winners announced today by the jury :

Challenge 1 : Blockpulse
Challenge 2 : Re Fundia / We Fundia
Challenge 3 : Finastra
Challenge 4 : Finastra
Challenge 5 : Kaiko

Congratulations !

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Other urls found in this thread:


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Come back when you can speak English


Kaiko won this below, is it good news for linkers?

5. Multi-chain data feed:
Tools feeding specific data onto the blockchain e.g. ECB TARGET 2 calendar, security price, off-chain currencies exchange rates, value of a market index, standard interest rates, agency ratings, or specific data under pre-approved events such as confirmation of off-chain payment, reception of prices/offers, events of default, covenants, etc.

>it's real

Chainlink Labs did not participate in the challenge.

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yeh fucking nice

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So Finastra is a billion dollar financial services company that won the "SWIFT integration" comp but am I right in thinking it's not publicly traded at the moment?
>Ctrl-f chainlink

The french banking giant SG is supposed to deploy soon the winners....what does it mean for link?

Very based. I kekked at "Betacube" though, is that Any Forumss shadowfork project?

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I think I’m not the only one on here that realizes that the Chainlink discussion on here isn’t organic at all.

A complex mix of paid shills and bots post memes and start conversation. Real anons browsing Any Forums think these convos are real and start making convos themselves. Then when things die down, the bots and paid shills start again to capture new bagholders.

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you are entirely correct my friend, it's quite comical. at the end of the day only you can be the spoon to feed yourself

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You are literally talking to a bot.

the listener was always my audience

they all use chainlink tech

Apparently the irony is lost on you.

So when $1000?

Oh 100%. The amount of shilling around this coin is unreal. Nobody posts the way they do, these fake convo starters

this, but unironically