Why is there STILL a workers shortage? How are people getting by???

Why is there STILL a workers shortage? How are people getting by???

Attached: golfbunni6.webm (535x875, 2.51M)

It turns out if you live with your parents you can live relatively well on $500 per month, which is not hard to come by. Why work, what is there to even do?

imagine working for less than 30$ an hour
basically poverty wages

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costs too much to work
if gas gets too much higher, you'll see truckers stop taking loads
then shit will really start to spiral

living with parents, fuck the wage cage and the $7 dollars they think they can get away with paying.

Also it's not like a "career" will see you become middle class, you'll be out on the street with the rest of them the second you can't work

who is this man

Are golf bunnies the new cowgirls

Yea it's really depressing but there's really nothing to do but survive and exist until conditions improve, no fucking jobs out here worth doing

>live in poverty but be a parasite and take from the government
>live in poverty but break your back to live in poverty.
>why dudes in suits don't do any hard labor get live rich as fuck
gee i wonder why

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it's better than zero

selling ur time is the worst way to make money
they might as well do something else to make money

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they're dead or injured from the "vaccine"
"modern medicine" has rugpulled

people woke the fuck up

That outfit is highly impractical.

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>fan of urbex videos
>urbex of abandoned homes after 2008 foreclosures
>people just went MIA after recession

world is just dead now. Even early 2010s atleast felt somewhat alive. Dead internet theory? More like dead people theory.

Attached: dreamssh2.jpg (830x535, 340.94K)

Are you sure? When shes at the top of her swing, the outfit is stretched out storing energy like a spring. As she comes down to strike, the outfit releases energy leading to a more powerful strike.

Because my choices are
>Make money slaving away
>Make slightly less money from government programs and crypto
I pick the later

>work 40h/week and get zero sex
>work 0h/week and get zero sex
That'll be a no from me chief


>fan of urbex videos
can you name some good channels, please
>urbex of abandoned homes after 2008 foreclosures
you mean you were doing this yourself back then or was it mainly the time from which the videos were?
>people just went MIA after recession
what do you mean by that, please elaborate
i'm genuinely curious