ZHAO moons

>ZHAO moons

does biz know about this?

Attached: MOON.png (1920x961, 300.08K)

Other urls found in this thread:


d0b0 was always ghost and santovis project, not a gay “community coin”

look forward to making another 6 figures on their new project. dumped d0b0 at 170 million mc like a white person is supposed to. have fun bagholding niggers!

cz liked and retweeted the project, probably gonna go crazy now.

Pic or it didn't happen.

Attached: brrrrrrr.png (650x159, 11.31K)

he then deleted the tweet, but is still following. u can check for yourself.

no they married d0bo


Verification not required.

daily reminder that literal pajeets are behind this shitcoin.

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nope, it’s ghost and santovi, former owners of d0b0 who took it to 250 mil mc

imagine thinking some random tg poor fags pumped d0b0 kek

I have a 100m bag. What I'm in for boys?

8% buy/sell tax and 7% of that goes to 'marketing', is that some kind of joke? lmao

yes, they were the owners

Is it true bizfags will cope and seethe now forever? Or will they fomo in like always?

that buy/sell tax on these stupid projects is such a normie trap. i know cuz i went through it. the projects have zero foundation. so morons are speculating on it. it will see maybe one pump. and if you don't get out, you're selling at a break even or a loss because of the taxes.

ah yes safemoon the 5 bil mc coin 10% buy and sell coin is a scam
i can tell you’re newfags who missed the entire bsc casino run in the first half of 21. all that matters is renounced contract and memes nothing else

just "marketers". and the one batdog "dev" renounced, so no devs. definitely no owners.

both of these coins are going places this year. batdog is invincible w/ huge holder counts, and cz's twitter interactions with this stupid thing are an incredibly lucky jackpot

dog with bat mc soon

>CZ just intentionally relied to a ZHAO tweet
It's happening


ok that legit pisses me off. like why the fuck are you brining up safemoon? of course safemoon was a success, it was the first one of these bullshit projects.

>all that matters is renounced contract and memes nothing else
god i hate the fucking shit out of you. i want to splash acid in your face badly, in minecraft. what's your address?

It's rugging now KEK

Not a rug, but CZ tweet:

Imagine coping this hard just because you are too retarded to buy a bag. YOU WILL FOMO IN ANYWAY YOU ABSOLUTE BRAINLET

no, they were the owners,
you sound black

lol "owners", does modding a TG channel == "ownership" now? fuck off santovi you weeb

i sold my initial on the pump and just rebought a about what i sold for half off...
okay im done gambling (i hope)

also this thing's liquidity ratio is absolute trash
sitting at 3% LP / market_cap
in general ive found its bearish below 10% and bullish above

yes, they were in charge

Make sure you dont sell while youre still in profit.

Retards, this is literally a Pajeet rugpull in the making. CZ followed them only to so they can shit on them.

Enjoy the rugpull.

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