Why aren't you living and working remotely in southeast asia? It's full of beautiful beaches, delicious food...

Why aren't you living and working remotely in southeast asia? It's full of beautiful beaches, delicious food, and beautiful women.

What's your excuse?

Jannies are mad they can't travel on a salary of exactly $0.00/yr edition.

Attached: bali2.jpg (1300x957, 214.33K)

I want white children. Simple as

take your average immigrant in your country. now imagine people so stupid, lazy and unmotivated they couldn't make it to your first world country if they tried. try being surrounded by them for a year and get back to me

what do you do as remote work user? hoping i can move there and just trade shitcoins all day for a living, just need my most promising bags to pump a little bit first. also kek, imagine wanting to be a janny.

I can't really work remote yet. Still in college.

I work in cybersecurity, it's a pretty comfy gig and I only work maybe 20 hours a week.

I've honestly made way more money trading stocks and investing into BTC/ETH/LINK over the years then I ever have from my jobs though. I only keep working because it's such an easy job.

Because I'm from India, bastard

>pretend you have immunodeficiency
>claim you need to do courses remotely because coof and/or ape flu meme virus
>finish college and sling shitcoins from southeast asia

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this. Ive moved to two EU countries, one scandinavian one mediterainian and I'm blown away by the laziness and incompetence of people here. Euros have zero interest in working, they just want to bum around and be given some stable income of gibs from their nanny state overlords. Really pathetic actually. Dont even get me started on the beaurocracy and incompetent people at every level of society.


Noice, sounds comfy af. wish I had some skills that I could actually turn into a good remote paying job, oh well.

based spurdo connoisseur, what else you holding atm man? wish there was a spurdo a week but i rarely seem to find the right plays these days.

This thread again

Two good plays today so far, Onigami and Infernu. The former on BSC and the latter on ETH


>This thread again

Attached: soyjak_angry.png (644x800, 29.52K)

>live in vietnam
>remote work in finance
>near zero living expenses
>safe, peaceful country
>surrounded by vietnamese QTs

the only way to live

>I want children
You guys are pathetic and worse than women

Tranny jannies get bootie bottomed to even have hopes of riding the travel train

A surplus of 5 million Chinese men in the Peoples Liberation Army will systematically take over the eastern pacific rim as China turns all these countries into vassal states.
Learn Mandrin now user if you want to have any hope of survial.

Attached: 1606594506275.png (545x530, 234.3K)

I got an eastern pacific rimjob last night

I already worked in the south of Portugal fully remote. Have been since last year. If I actually have to travel somewhere it's paid for by my company.