How do I short Japan and everything Japanese?

How do I short Japan and everything Japanese?

They'll probably go extinct this century because of their shit birth rate and awful women.

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i want a tall girlfriend to manhandle using my dwarf body, i want to pick her up and carry her under one arm to my dwarf fortress to have my way with


What's wrong with their women?

what's wrong with being a manlet?

day of the ceiling fan approaches lanklet, watch your ankles.

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You don't even know what an ankle is you compressed little freak

Wow just like my hentai doujin here.

You can easily short the Nikkei and know that. But you just want to start a shitty slide thread

That's a man

Kek. Cancer will get you before it will a manlet. Check the stats.

geniunely concerned, whats wrong with the women you say?



faggot op abandoned his topic?

Kek fuck manlets and their little lives

Idk if anyone is selling 100 year puts on the country Japan.
>Imagine the theta decay

It's raining. *spits on you*

based dwarfchad

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Make her wear a basket on her back and you can ride in it.

dont worry lurkers, their bark is worse than their bite

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>he doesn't know the future of human height is short
>he thinks being tall is actually a good thing from an evolutionary perspective
Subhumans are funny creatures.

What's wrong with Japan idiot? get rich off bitDAO then buy it.

>being tall is actually a good thing from an evolutionary perspective

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This will be the Asian millennium, with China leading. Japan will not be the richest country in Asia, but it will still be miles better than the rest of the world.

they will last due to ethnic homogeny
birthrate is no big deal

Height only determines your fighting style, weight actually determines your boxing class.
Weight is more important than height