It seems that every woman is a nutritionist or a studend

It seems that every woman is a nutritionist or a studend

How isn't this area saturated yet?

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because theres fat people growing every day

What is so difficult on watching youtube videos about nutrition and eating healthy?

plus they arent good at it.

When the nutrition bubble is going to explode?

When people stop eating poison

All the ways they avoid 3 simple things
-calories in, calories out
-avoid sugar

a lot of fat people are actually retarded and have no internal dialogue telling them not to eat 4000 calories a day

4kcal is not much for a man

for the regular man that all it does is watch tv or cryptocurrencie charts, it is a lot

When there is no more food.

I'm vegan

when most of it is canola oil and corn syrup and 30 years of no cardio it is

I am working on it bro, it doesnt help that ck bans me for muhh trolling nonstop, last post was simply >you owe me food. its amazing keto, vegan, and cico have such huge followings, but NEP (not eating processed) food has no following. what needs to be done is memeing towards people eating wheat, wow its healthy who knew, meat wow its healthy who knew, whole fruits and veggies who knew. we are so far from even being able to discuss the wheat being gmo or loaded with round up because most people these days totally replaced their wheat with thrice boiled and sterilized inverted sugar, yummy yummy enjoy your diabetes and cancer or seed oil soaked food with a dash of msg ooo yummy. how can we then discuss getting the sorbitan monostearate out of the yeast? or fluoride tap water out of the bread? people dont even eat bread and if they do they cant comprehend you should insist on only eating the wheat and yeast with distilled water. get a coffee from dunkin? enjoy the fluoride. the sad truth is anything you don't make yourself will be pozzed. and that's the blackpill normies cant cope with, imagine a 70 hour work week plus having to prep and cook every meal? they cant wrap their head around it while our grandfathers spent all day every day on growing and preparing food (dont forget to buy prepared food so the govvie wovvie gets their tax bonus!!!). oh but they didn't have property tax and did have plenty of land and time without hidden taxes.

nutritionists are usually the most ignorant about nutrition because they spent years studying literal food propaganda like the food pyramid (the creation of which was funded by grain companies). These people study the propaganda and genuinely believe that eating 9 servings of grain per day is healthy kek

fat people generally eat trash that is very low in micronutrients, so their body never feels satiated. If they ate 3 free range eggs and a few slices of bacon for breakfast, they would feel satiated for hours. Instead they eat a few thousand calories worth of grain and sugar and seed oils and never achieve a sense of satiation, only temporary fullness.

Also they don't understand fitness, so when they commit to getting in shape every now and then it goes horribly. For example, they:
>decide to make a change and get in shape
>go to the gym
>start lifting weights and walk on the stair stepper
>burn MAYBE a couple hundred calories
>drink a protein shake afterwards because that's what healthy people do right? (+400 calories, instantly negating any progress they made that day)
>go home and reward themselves for the hard work with a sweet treat (+another 500 calories).

It's easy to see why most fat people insist that it's impossible for them to lose weight no matter what they do. It comes down to not being informed about how to actually become fit. I bet I could take a morbidly obese person and get them into good shape in a year or 2 and it wouldn't even be that difficult for them.

How are nutritionists still respected at all? The food pyramid was complete bullshit, "fat" was labelled as bad for years, and they have obviously had zero legislative impact

Wrong, they're all in HR, recruitment, and real estate


>knows ANYTHING of value
topkek op

wheat is fucked you retard.

The field has evolved over the last couple decades from helping people stay healthy, lose weight, and get in shape, which is a rapidly shrinking market that loses value every day, to making fat people feel better about their health, which as I'm sure you can imagine, is a booming market with nowhere to go but up

they've successfully psyop'd people into being afraid of essential macro nutrients
>omg that has FAT in it
>oh my god there's SALT in that food
>nooooooo that food has SUGAR in it!

Yes, it is, you fucking fat piece of shit, 99% of men are neither professional athletes nor manual laborers, even a tradie eating 4k calories a day is gonna be obese by age 40

>Yes, it is, you fucking fat piece of shit,
Sorry, chud, not everyone is a manlet who doesn't exercises like you, I'm 6'2 and besides going to the gym I train muay thai, sweatie