3 months ago he was one of the most respected personalities in crypto. Today he is a lolcow. Life comes at you fast

3 months ago he was one of the most respected personalities in crypto. Today he is a lolcow. Life comes at you fast.

Attached: Su-Zhu.jpg (400x400, 116.05K)

Look at this fucking alien
You can't tell me that Asians aren't aliens that were dropped from another planet here. Looks like an entirely different species


Pick one parasite

he didnt lose shit, its the biggest psyop "art of the war" move by su zhu

You aren't as smart as you think you are.

Pretty sure he was considered an obnoxious arrogant cunt. Also where are his eyebrows?

Lmao he was always a piece of shit goblin

I'd never heard of this guy outside of dick sucking twitter faggots like Cobain and Ledger nonce.

who the fuck is this clown


Attached: su.jpg (400x400, 29.75K)

Never trust chinks about anything.

Attached: Capture d’écran 2018-05-21 à 09.08.01.png (1310x1600, 813.99K)

imagine being this dumb. i cant.

>muh dubai office

When will you retards learn? Every crypto, every blockchain founded, started, initially supported by a chink is a scam.

they have a higher level of Neanderthal genetics. So do Slavs. Some Slavs and chinks look literally like a stereotypical caveman in the face.

How can that be if Neanderthals inhabited Western Europe? Btw China number one. Asiatics rule, cracka kikes drool.

People put too little weight on physiognomy as a signal for whether one can be trusted.

Zhu Su is one of the creepiest, dorkiest motherfuckers I've ever seen. Additionally, he's probably a manlet. That should have been a dead giveaway to any investors and counterparties that he would try to overcompensate and take on outsized risk to try to prove that he's a "big guy." Many such cases.

Attached: 123121121.jpg (203x248, 5.77K)

no sane person respects a chink

Attached: 1533920987638.jpg (1066x600, 699.02K)

Fucking gambler got destroyed by the Bankman.

I hate the Bankman, but I hate gamblers 10x more, so I'm happy with this outcome

you dont know shit retard

Creditors are vicious. They even took his eyebrows

You should NEVER EVER trust a chinkoid.
Racism and misogyny has never failed me in crypto.

I understood those boomer references

He looks like a leader avatar from Civilisation III, God I miss that game.