Crazy how Sasha was the ugliest and Charles was the hottest and now Sasha is the sexiest and Charles is the worst

Crazy how Sasha was the ugliest and Charles was the hottest and now Sasha is the sexiest and Charles is the worst

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Sasha has always been the best looking woman in wrestling, dating back to 2010. Before any of you waifufag virgin cucks knew who she was. You have no chance with any of them. Bay Leno is a man. Charles is a man. And after his new haircut, it’s definitely confirmed that Beko is also a man.

Bayley is now the hottest, Sasha looks like a starving african child

Becky was the hottest and Bayley has the best body. Charlotte looked best in 2018/2019. Sasha certainly isn’t ugly, but I’ve never cared that much for her.

Sasha Banks is ugly and she also fucks fans

Double dubs of double truth. Sasha is ugly and also retarded and cucks her weak chinned husband.

No she doesn't

Cuckaze I got bad news for you, my man.

>4 ugly broads that got a push because womeme or some shiet
>3 middle aged women that have the physique of teenagers with eating disorders and faces fit for an aarp commercial
Bayley got a nice shitbox on her but shes hurt so we dont even get to see it. This sucks man

>Charles was the hottest

Well it certainly wasn't Bailey

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>4 ugly broads
enough about your family

Not my family since id never marry your whore single mother. Those are your sisters, and them practicing makeup on you as a child is why you practice sodomy as an adult. Burn in hell faggot

Bayley has always been the hottest

project much..

nah thats you

We fucked the one on the way left

According to this picture:
Sasha - just throw her in the trash
Becky - prime skank, fucks like a maniac but is also a shoot maniac
Charles - walled gold-digger
Bayley - girl next door, wife material

>Sasha fixed her hair, which was the only problem. She's always had the body
>Becky was always a sagger, but also had a babb on top
>Bayley cut her hair and also gained weight during this injury
>Charles has had 15 cosmetic surgeries by now

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Sure about that

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Bayley was the ugliest and still is.

They'e all pretty gross. Becky and Sasha are passable with smoke and mirrors. Sasha fucking fans is hot tho

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>better looking than sasha and charlotte
you trina be dumb?