I’ve been having a hard time lately deciding on what coins should I DCA into and holding for the next 3-5 years...

I’ve been having a hard time lately deciding on what coins should I DCA into and holding for the next 3-5 years. I’m poor, living and working as an engineer in a 3rd world country and at most can DCA 75$ every 2 weeks, already hold ALGO and ICP but I want to add something else.
Any other recommendations are welcome.
Not listed but also got my interest on them are:

Honest advice please anons

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Maybe MATIC if you eat curry, thats it.

>dont know enough about, so not important
>token not sneeded, and also dogshit
>not needed
>ICP does a better job of this category by accident.
>see above

Just buy more icp dawg. Thats all you need.

Quant is going to be the biggest play this year no doubt about it

Thanks anons, I currently hold 100 ICP and 1.5k ALGO. Is that enough for those bags or should I add more?

Look for smaller caps.
Buy GMX and GNS, stake and also earn.
Buying 150 bucks a month of big cap tokens is cringe.

Get yourself around 366 ICP minimum.
You need 183icp to lock up in a 8-year, non dissolving neuron; to generate 1 icp per week in voting rewards.
When ICP adoption goes fucking crazy, and it hits 1k; you’re generating 52k annually by just existing.

>Look for smaller caps
based advice. once the bull comes there is no point holding large caps. every small cap gets a 50x or more even if its the shittiest shit coin ever shitted

ALGO is okay ICP is a retarded hold imo the only people i see that own ICP are Any Forums schizos and they're broke kek.

i get 300 icp a week from staking.
Seeing posts like these get me so incredibly fucking horny

I don’t understand the FUD to this coin honestly. Why is it a bad idea to buy ICP? Fundamentally speaking of course

Algo and ICP are fairly corporate already, i'd suggest something on the "maximize decentralization" pole like BTC, ADA, or ETH to balance the folio.

it isn't, ICP is an obvious bet for anyone who doesn't have their dopaminergic pathways absolutely destroyed

Thats insane.
I have 11k icp and I’m only generating about 30icp a week. (Staggered neurons unlocking between now and 2027)
I cant imagine having a half million tied in ICP.

Fantom Good
Link Good

>Don't understand the FUD
It doesn't need fud. It was literally a scam. People just shill it here to try to get back some of what they lost.

Pick up a finterest early adopters card as a nice little moonshot. The team is coming through with a lot of great work and they haven’t even announced utility for the cards yet but they will probably be worth a lot once that drops.

literally gonna copy paste my comment from another thread

MATIC is doing the most right now ans you cant fucking deny it
>8 multipurpose scaling solutions (PoS, Hermez, Miden, Zero, ID, Avail, Edge, Supernets)
>leaders of ZK technology development (more than $1 billion allocated toward that alone)
>huge partnerships with multiple billion dollar companies (Facebook, Twitter, E&Y, HTC, Coca Cola)

there’s way more to mention as well but i’ll leave it here
would be smart to invest now

Btc, btc, btc, btc, btc. Dcaing in these levels is generational wealth

spend you resorces and time in getting the fuck out of that 3rd world country.

not in shitcoins that will only give you +30% for your $1000 USD.

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Fantom and Matic. And of course Btc.

ive never held matic before. ive just bought some here and there for gas.

I want to start buying a stack at around 40 cents. or am i dumb?

the rest of my cryptofolio is btc eth link and xmr.

well matic is by far the best to DCA and hold for the next 5 years, because in a couple of it did the biggest moves in the past couple of years and still is till today
>polygon partnering with meta
>partnering with htc
>partnering with strip
>partnering with reddit
>industry's leading zk powerhouse

They partnered with coinbase too, also I know of a lesser known defi coin they are planning to help shill...
They are both performing wonderfully considering BTC is eating a shotgun.

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