Hello its Andrei Jackass here

Why yes i have a crypto education channel with over 1 million subscirbers and i held all of my coins on Voyager and buy premined scams

Attached: andrei jikh.jpg (1280x720, 150.01K)

Other urls found in this thread:


of course i don't even know what a premine is

Attached: premine info.png (1115x1086, 631.59K)

> andrei
never trust a slav

uh yeah i made few videos mentioning NOT YOUR KEYS NOT YOUR COINS, but i never practice that shit myself. I was just trying to get rich and make more fiat currecny duh, 5% interest on voyager was worth it to lose my $1,000,000 worth of coins

Attached: andreas a2.jpg (299x168, 8.88K)

> andrei
> sergey
> vitalik
There’s definitely a pattern here…

yeah this guy, he's a former gas station manager and now turned stock picking GURU. Everything he buys go down 90% like TTCF, but its all good we collabe to run a group podcast together. hur hur hur

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whats that faggot hiding under his hat?

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His videos are so difficult to listen to with his bizarro pitch shifted voice. I'd never trust someone who does insecure shit like that.

Most finance youtubers have that same manufactured backdrop with fake plants and shelves filled with useless shit. It makes them seem really untrustworthy.

I like the finance guy with the shitbox car and the small business guy running a pawn shop.



Ben Felix is the only investment youtuber worth listening to.
The rest is just entertainment.

t. Someone who's still well in the green.

I hate that guy.
>muh efficient market hypothesis
>muh index funds
He appeals to the midwits.

>just buy SPY
>SPY is deep in the red

Been buying it for years dipshit, still well in the green. And all the underlying companies actually produce something.

Have fun staying poor ponzitard.

>I've been buying into a scheme that has been pumped by the US FED since 2009
>I'm a genius
All the stats Felix uses are skewed by decades of FED market manipulation. And I easily beat the stock market with my bot trading.

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i trust UE too hes not a grifter

I bought something that promised 360000% yield this year, rebase token, on binance. because of a youtuber. fuck

Jeremy is fucking horrible. Andrei is okay desu.

Andrei started buying crypto in 2016 and manged to lose 99% of it. Thats not good, brah. Voyager interest baring account rekt him. He should not be giving advice to the masses

Attached: andreas_m_antonopoulos_in_zurich_2016-wiki-e1512731506902.jpg (1500x843, 178.47K)

The virgin Andrei Jeikl
The chad Andreas Antnoplous

Doesnt he only have 20% or something on Voyager?