Show some damn respect

Show some damn respect.

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When will this shit stop dumping

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Sergey is dumping another $300M worth of tokens on your ass this year to fund his HR roastie harmen, so never

>When will this shit stop dumping

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Checked. Nice rare Sergey

It's up today on all pairs nigger

>One way to achieve this would be to reguarly post content that looks genuine (using the right language, imagery, etc.) yet is meaningless - this would dilute the message of these boards and make their threads uninteresting, thereby reducing their attractiveness and sense of community."

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Fun fact the guy who ran the “spoonfeeding” thread today wasnt even aware of the upcoming dump and had to be spoonfed himself. This is how low weve hit. The XRP cult is starting to look sane compared to link

I prefer showing some damn respect to fucking Lovelace being a fucking metaverse as a service project rather than worshiping a dying coin

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I think they earned a pay rise this year, don't you think? I mean inflation is pretty bad, so 15% more should be on the table, and they did great work, too

Dan who let you on biz?

>be btc
>see chainlink pumping

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Checked and tonight! it shall be.

I guess it is admirable to hold this through a massive bullrun and market crash without killing yourself.

It just dumped

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Checked and unironically this.
You have no idea what is coming, and I am so excited for you guys.

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never and sergey already announced he’s gonna start dumping again kek

Stinkies missed the biggest bull run in the history of finance and now they’re gonna get dumped on during the bear market too KEK

when you take the opportunity to buy more

>respect globohomo


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