Let the future tell the truth, and evaluate each one according to his work and accomplishments

>Let the future tell the truth, and evaluate each one according to his work and accomplishments.
>The present is theirs; the future, for which I have really worked, is mine.
Sergey makes it sound like Link will moon in the next century.
Pretty bearish to be honest.

Attached: sergoy.jpg (1920x1080, 277.46K)

>truth based reality
>truth about blacks
>truth about jews
>truth about women

you people realize why this can never happen right

Cope more. It's happening.

signs of editing in the picture, you can see the background curving around him

>truth about blacks
That they were enslaved and brutally repressed by savages for tens of years
>truth about Jews
that they were a scapegoat and unwarranted target of hatred and genocide resulting in one of the most revolting display of human immorality ever witnessed (the holocaust)
>Truth about women
That they were excluded from public life and the workplace unfairly by insecure men afraid of competition.
>truth about white men
This I would be interested in seeing.

I attended consensus and it's true, he gained a LOT of weight.

>the holocaust
didn't happen

The lol-o-caust never existed

its not edited

Attached: 1657552799336.jpg (1920x1080, 284.12K)

Attached: wait a minute.png (923x986, 1.39M)

Sergey's size warps reality around him. It's not edited.

Such a beefcake

Sergey actually has his own gravitational signature. The distortions are actually gravity waves

curry shils

bait like this doesn't get the (You)s it used to. sad

Even if the Holocaust were real there were worse genocides in the 20th century.

If you want to bait people with nonsense go to pol

Sergey is becoming one with the chungus; this has to be an edit, but if not, holy crap that's funny

Attached: 62C0C9E8-8A62-448D-9E1E-C6B4BB1A8F0D.jpg (600x429, 33.38K)

What a joke. What are you some kind of photo editing wizard? Can you tell by the pixels? It's a fool who doesn't believe the evidence of his own eyes.

Attached: 8fc.jpg (629x1300, 164.19K)