Burger Here

Watching the euro tumble with absolute sexually orgasmic glee. I spent my entire life a seething incel in soulless burger hell, slowly rotting away in a nigger infested kike matrix while euro poors smashed prime pussy and lived a life of ease and abundance amerislaves can only dream of. I got my cock mutilated at birth, surrounded by spics and nogs in a judaized matrix of sportsball worshipping rap blaring hell, psyopped to the tits in every way shape and form subsisting off seed oil zog chow for what? A few extra shekels?

Well here is our revenge you absolute soiphaggot subhumans, I’m already smashing sweet euro poon on the daily but now it’s about to be accelerated into overdrive. You libcuck lazy effeminate retards are going to have absolute zero wealth, except for a few gay properties I will purchase for pennies on the dollar. I will soon have a harem of euro babes from all far reaches of the continent desperate to survive

My time is now. YOU lose. American men that suffered in silence, our time is NOW

Send the euro to 0 where it belongs

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Dude people are going to die

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Do burgers have a fetish for the USD EUR pair or something? Nobody on the Europe really cares.

It will hit us too man. I promise you. In a few weeks their devaluation will also be the US's devaluation. I don't know if you know how economies are tied together but seriously man you're being too cocky.

european businesses with USD payables or USD sales absolutely care. kek.

user a lot of transactions are settled in USD. If you're a eurofag you used to get more dollars for your euros, so it would be cheaper. Now it's the opposite.

Does that sound good for the euro economy?

Serves them right.

My god the schizo rambling.
You do realise that europe is one of your only allies and a major trading partner if wecollapse it doesnt bode well for you too , especially since the dollar keeps climbing wich almost always happens before a big recession

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I'm glad, europoorfags are literal 3rd world subhuman scum and need to be blown off the fucking map, communist tranny feeble beta cuckold faggots I'd literally go to war if it meant killing you worthless parasitic fucking faggots
>t. retired American

lol fuck yurofags

we're mad you have buildings made of stone and stuff.

give us real buildings. we have an empire of cardboard :(

I'll just leave this 1 euro bill here

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You will never get your foreskin back

Oh no all the iPhones...idk if you knew it but you guys produce mostly trash in the US

American skyscrapers are made of stone

>it doesnt bode well for you too
WRONG, US will plunder the corpse of EU like it plundered the corpse of USSR and it will make US stronger

So true! Fippy bippy!

Western Europe only exists because of American benevolence. We bailed them out in WW1 & WW2 from getting raped by Hans. We also bailed them out from getting raped by Ivan during the cold war. The Western European social experiment was subsidized by American taxpayers and enforced by American military.

And what do Americans get in return? Zero gratitude and, in fact, even disdain from the smug Europeans.

I will shed zero tears when that entire fucking continent is impoverished and/or raped by Putler. I will enjoy importing and breeding their women.

>US will plunder the corpse of EU like it plundered the corpse of USSR and it will make US stronger
Wrong. You already did that in 1945 and later. Now there is nothing left for you to rob unless you want to ship some old castles over the ocean stone by stone.

ESL subhuman monkey not even aware of his own demise, classic.
Eurofag subhuman cope fucking EU cocksucking beta faggots need to get glassed already

It's good for an exporter economy which EU was until it kysed with Covid

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>there is nothing left for you to rob
European nations are still first world for some reason despite the fact that they don't produce shit or have resources and euros think they're at their very bottom lmao

Checked !

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And it's not coming back anytime soon, maybe never.

So in short, we are even more fucked if the dollar keeps rising against the xwnsreuro



its dropping fast

Just whisper "Take that, Putin!" before you die