What's the next tesla/amazon/google?

What's the next tesla/amazon/google?

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ripple unironically


going to be some bug based food snack company

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2030, India will have more billionaires than the rest of the world combined. 2040, India's GDP will comprise of 40% of the world's GDP. It is inevitable. India is a developing nation with the largest population. India has the most intelligent people in the world. All the best tech experts are Indian. IT is the future and India is best at it.

Algorand, Skale, Ethereum, Exorde.

So, just screencap this, post again in 2026 and assess. Yeah. Do it faggots.


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Ripple/XRP will be the Amazon of crypto, it will be the backbone of everything

One day Indians will even wash their hands after going to the toilet, the future is bright


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just two more sheilks

why do you tards keep calling Algorand ripple?

Somerhing with AI / robotics

so true, ranjeet!

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Algorand will be $500B while XRP remains at

lmfao centralized scam network enjoy your overlords algorand foundation calling all the shots

eth to 10k

captch: Silvio Micali is a guido

probably the company that Google ex CEO joined

lmao Algo Foundation is 5x more professional and value driven than fucking Ethereum Foundation, Consensys and Ethereum Alliance combined.

your mama pooper.
