I should be balls deep in grade A zoomer poosy right now

I should be balls deep in grade A zoomer poosy right now

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I want to to fuck a zoomer girl with a pink pussy

S/ millenial

They can sense your desperation bobo

im a millennial and ive never tasted any pussy in my life and its the sole reason for my sadness and position in life

damn, sucks to be you. most incels are volcels in way or the other. e.g. 30+ years old but will only accept a 18 year old trad waifu virgin. I would fly to Thailand, Germany, Colombia, etc and pay for sex immediately if I were you. I can't imagine putting that shit off for another year. Having sex is a fundamental part of being a man. You're living like some weird eunuch

>tfw 30+
>tfw fuck 19-20-21 yr olds constantly through tinder

feels good to be a 195cm tall chad and not be a useless fuck and hit the gym/go on runs and eat healthy while keeping bad shit like alcohol, weed, fastfood and video games to a minimum

having sex only feels marginally better than jacking it. factoring in having to deal with a woman, it's not even worth it

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guys who say this are a combination of the following:

1) have never had sex with a 7+/10
2) are so inexperienced they don't know how to fuck
3) have only had condom sex
4) unironic autists who get stimmed out by human interaction
5) cutfags with numb, dead dicks

It has a weird taste to it, it's hard to explain.
It's almost like licking pennies, you know, with that copper taste.
When you go down on a girl, massage her outer vulva with your fingers whilst sucking on the clit – it drives 'em wild.

You want zoomer bussy. That's the true patrician's taste.

this is probably true but I want kids which means I need to convince a girl to have regular unprotected sex with me, how do I do it bros?

3 and 4 here

Bump. Still sad about this.

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1, 2, 4, and 5 here. No 3 since I am a 33 year old khv

>being straight

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6) very skilled with their hands
But seriously, I agree, cooming inside a beautiful tight young female you’re in a loving and committed relationship with and intend to impregnate is a whole other level of cooming so hard your dick hurts for a few minutes afterwards. Wanking doesn’t compare. If it did humanity wouldn’t bother reproducing in the first place.

If your on biz your functional depressed, schizoid anyways I.e you can’t enjoy anything anymore. Your brain is Rewired eternally
You will never enjoy sex like normies that experienced teen love in their prime

this. sex is really great.

licking a woman's vagina is a cuck's move, pussies are for fucking and producing babies, same goes with the disgusting notion of anal.

I will never know this feel

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I won’t lie, shit is cash, but cooming inside of a female isn’t the epitome of life user, not even close. It’s near the top of the pyramid in terms of pleasurable bodily sensations sure but there are drugs that can make you feel even better for as little as $10. The true epitome of life is to make your loved ones, friends, family, the ones who try to help you, who root for you, (God if you believe), all be proud of how you used your time on this planet. Aim higher in life than making your brain feel good and your brain will feel even better than you could’ve ever imagined.