I just had my 30th birthday and I'm still a NEET...

I just had my 30th birthday and I'm still a NEET. I used to love laughing at wagies and participating in wagie hate threads, but seeing my family look at me as an utter burden and disappointment and watching all my friends advance in their careers, settle down and start families makes me think that maybe NEETdom isn't all it's cracked up to be.

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Same. Didn't care because I almost got rich, but I'm poor again. 27 and I have less than 1 year to make it or else I lost.

Eh, don't feel bad OP.

I'm 34, and I can honestly say the last few years I've realized how superior this way of life is.

Sure, in my mid-to-late 20s things were tough, I'd moved out for school for a couple years, moved back, did the whole wagie thing at the local Publix, ended up back as a NEET and for awhile, my parents really resented it, my dad would yell at me to get a job basically every day.

Things have gotten a lot better though, my dad still calls me LA (Lazy Ass) but he is retired now and we get to hang out a lot, like when I was a little kid on summer break. He won't be around forever, and it's good to spend time with him while I can, I know he feels the same way.

My mom still says the same things she said 10 years ago about me being a big grown up baby but I know she likes it and would be sad if I moved out. And my sister has a very successful corporate job so they have someone to be proud of.

Yeah, turning 30 sucks but trust me user, you made the right choices and when you get over all society's expectations for how you're supposed to live your life it's way more comfy and rewarding than wage slaving for Mr goldberg to buy a new rental property for 50 years

almost 31, neet at home, have a lot of health issues, but halting in something I hated and working in a field I hate led to major burnout, getting wiped out on crypto didn’t help either.

Right now i’m just grinding my skills in a field I actually like. If you guys are true neets like me, why don’t you actually try to develop a skill in something you truly enjoy, even if it’s really niche… I mean, it’s better than doing nothing, that will get to you after a while, trust me.

40 year old NEET, I just need more money, working sucks ass.

I’m 38 have a wife, kids, house career. I love my kids more than I thought I was capable of loving another person, but I hate my wife and my career and my house. I guess it was worth it for my kids but damn it’s not all sunshine and rainbows over here. My wife is a CUNT

Holy shit dude, you’re a loser. It sounds like you’re parents genuinely love you and you’re holding them hostage.

The only people “cracking up” NEETdom is retarded socially inept retards in here. At least cover the T by training at the gym

Wow dude…. What’s your plan when they croak? Get your sister to take care of lil spergy?

Just end it, you’re completely useless. Worse than a nigger at least they provide drugs or work on shit nobody else wants to do like road construction. You’re literally a net negative human being and I feel terrible for your parents. Imagine your life when they die kek I’ll feel sad for your sister hopefully she doesn’t choose to baby you. You deserve to live under a bridge sucking dick behind a gas station to survive.

What is it with you guys and always relating cock sucking and NEETS?

seething wagie

Those niggers with children don't even really appreciate what they even have, as evidenced by the way they raise their kids. And they aren't as happy with their shit tier families as you think. It's a big j scam

What else are you good for? Literally nothing.
Cope. Don’t care how much you have in crypto, if you’re in 6 figures congratulations but you will lack the psychology to ever be anything sustainable in your life.

>my friends
Fuck off, normalfag

>I'm 34
>he is retired now and we get to hang out a lot, like when I was a little kid
>when I was a little kid
user, you have some mental growing to do, get off this site holy shit

Everyone here is insulting you. But I won’t. I’m glad you found happiness in the neet life, I used to be a neet but I hated it. I will advise you though to think about your future, think deeply about it, you’re still young to turn your life around, you could literally go to college again or get an associates or whatever, I got my shit together in my late 20’s and worked in IT while getting a CS degree online. Now I’m really Ok and much happier than when I was a NEET. I also have more freedom to do what I want, I managed to make more friends etc. Think hard about it, because at some point your parents are going to dir, you will be 40-50 when this happens. What are you going to do? And even if you get a good inheritance you will suffer when you have to deal with reality, eith the fact that no woman would want a jobless loser at 45, or that you font have the money to be free, or you get no respect from anyone, 0 friends, completely alone etc. Please reconsider your life choices. Godspeed user.

I was like you OP, I had to get a job but I still live with my parents. At least they don't see me as a burden anymore since they get some of my money now

neets = nelson

Wow, some boomer who hates his wife. Real original life you got going on there pal. Let me guess, she’s also fat.

If your wife is a cunt that is your fault. You did not train her properly. All women capitulate to a strong man's will. Are you a weak man, user? I think your wife thinks you are