Thoughts on professional wrestler Kevin R. Nash crying "like a bitch" after tearing his quads?

Thoughts on professional wrestler Kevin R. Nash crying "like a bitch" after tearing his quads?

Attached: bitch tears his quad.gif (240x180, 2M)

Other urls found in this thread:

>Vince tears quads and sits there no selling it
>Haitch tears quads and finishes the match
>Nash tears quads walking across the ring and lays on the floor crying
The difference between Chads and bitches.


Nash was in way more pain than those two because he's so much taller.


that nigga got gaped

Or because he skipped leg days

too bad he didnt skip that one day in the summer of 92

The night Diesel had a flat tire.


You dont know what a quad is and no doubt werent even old enough to watch this. He tore a quad. Not "quads"

You're right
But still he tore his anus

Kek what a quad torn bitch

Wasn't that X-Pac?

How the fuck you tear your quads walking?

Kek What A Tore Anus Tranny Fucker

Nash fuck trannies?

Nash raped

It keeps happening

And I quote Nash;

