Why don't you own the new Cryptopunk, user?

Why don't you own the new Cryptopunk, user?

Attached: Screen Shot 2022-07-10 at 01.06.27.png (656x662, 152.32K)

tulip mania II

eh maybe you like sucking arabs off for money, I don't

floor is already up to 1.1 from 0.6 an hour ago, retards
get in while you still can or lose another chance to own an azuki forever

4200 Wl and like 1k public fucking retarded.
I wanted one too but im not about to pay half an eth for a failed tx on public
Guess Ill get a bagner instead fml

buy on secondary

i bought 2 (laser eyes and max bidding) for 5 eth

Only have 0.8e in my nft wallet so its ogre for me
bagner and moondust and crying are my weekend plans now

You want mein? I have a few. Cryptotalibans worth something now?

CT scam pump&dump, likely will be forgotten in a week. Also Habibiz were first (and are still better)

NFTs make me understand how normies feel about crypto. Literally tulip mania/beanie babies 2.0

they said the same thing about Azukis

yeah but so what?

just because something is a ponzi doesn't mean you shouldn't invest. it means you need to get out before everyone else does when the music stops.

if the music is on, you gotta keep dancing.

I bought 2, 1 at 0.8 and other at 0.95

I don't get it, why are people accepting this blatant cash grab/ripoff from a one week old meme when Habibz already exist? I middle curved this one, evidently.

That they were based off a meme everyone will forget in less than a month and a really similar collection already existed? Doubt it

>I don't get it, why are people accepting this blatant cash grab/ripoff from a one week old meme when Habibz already exist? I middle curved this one, evidently.
why do people accept literally every cash grab/ripoff in crypto?

because it's memeable and ponziable

that's it

Fags like you keep everyone else on biz from making money. Everything is about trend, emotions, memes, ponzinomics. Idk who the fuck you follow on Twitter, but there were clear signs of saudi nft momentum from all kinds of accounts. I mean it might dump horrendously, but god damn even Goblintown nfts got to 7ETH floor with 2x the supply.

>they said the same thing about Azukis
>"Azuki is a CT scam pump&dump"
Are you fucking retarded? CT mostly wasn't even aware about Azuki before the mint. Azuki is an original project, this one is the meme Punks derivative which will likely have a short shelf life like the rest of them unless it offers some utility or something unique.
>I don't get it, why are people accepting this blatant cash grab/ripoff from a one week old meme when Habibz already exist?
Because it was shilled by CT influencers, that's pretty much it (which means they'll forget it even existed in a week)
It was supported by NFT OGs and fitted well with the "zeitgeist" of that time right after crypto/NFT crash

on the contrary
i do

Attached: rightclick.jpg (389x611, 77.4K)

azuki was a different time + different market.
apples & oranges comparison.

daily reminder that whoever is behind this is not Saudi or Arab. Most likely it's Pajeets.

Dude this one is getting shilled as well from crypto twitter. The saudi meme is growing rapidly. Even bears are larping as saudis.

Calm down bro, I haven't checked twitter in a week or two and I'll live without making 1e on a low effort nft lol


Try more like 10 ETH