Snack Machines

Any experience with these?
I run a route for business and I'm considering buying my own machines to start my own route.
My reasoning is that the machines to sell for more once they have a location, so if I end up changing my mind I can just sell them off and still make a profit.
What thinks?

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Just don't put garbage ass snacks in there. Or you could go an alternative route.

so no pic relateds

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Take out the pretzels, potato skins, fritos, party mix, grandmas cookies, cheese crackers, combos, whatever that cookie thing is next to the welch snacks. Nobody is going to buy that junk and it'll be a loss. Make a list of things you would want or something you never see in a vending machine. I'm assuming you can control the price of each item so just charge accordingly to accommodate your expenses.

the real money is buying the machines and leasing them to low IQ "ONNNTREPRENEURRRRR" types. if the machines get damaged, you charge them an absurd fee.

what about a fleshlight vending machine

I would set them up exactly the way my route is set up, and YES the pretzels would absolutely go
My current experience is that anything "weird" just does not sell at all.
I'm putting the most basic items in it and I already know my set up.
what about a used condom snack machine

>Grandmas cookies
>Pizza combos
You have much to learn about quality snacks user. Both of these sustain life in a pinch and are quite delicious when the mood strikes

Inexplicably this

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it's basically the exact same model that amazon uses with it's delivery franchise scam: lease vans at an almost unbearable lease expense, and then crush them with refurbishment/repair fees or early termination fees if they try to back out. and if you scale the business, you could even wholesale the snacks to the lessees.

They're great money makers in places where there aren't any niggers. Just look at Japan. Vending machines everywhere making loads of money for their owners. If you tried to put those same vending machines in America they'd be ripped apart by a bunch of fucking gorillas.

>Nobody is going to buy that junk
I'm sure your detailed knowledge of the in-depth demanded snacks will come as a revelation to the operator of that machine user. He's been wasting his time filling it up with your non-approved products, all these years.
The good thing about vending machines, judging stock demand is fairly easy. The bad, restocking them is usually the least of their problems.

Checked but fuck you anyway, I want hot Cheetos, not god damn potato skins. Also I think soda machines would be more popular.

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Do people even use these outside of schools?

yes, especially factories. one of my coworkers spends anywhere from 2 to 5 hours in one location just filling drink machines every weekday

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sad truth. does anyone in the states even offer machines comparable to japanese ones?

Snack machines are a good idea if you have a good location, but a roach coach is way more lucrative and you only need 1 truck

I have one at my job that I buy a soda about twice a week from. It’s a buck a can. Dude puts both Diet Coke and lime la croux in which is a bit rare and I buy em both

this is what I am considering buying once I sell the route. I'd like to get something nice, most of the ones around 15k look like they're about to fall apart. I have plenty of restaurant experience, it seems like something I can do, and there's a huge market for it where I live.
But first I feel like I want to start with the vending machines... they're cheaper and easy to scale

>Any experience with these?
Yes. But not an owner experience
>be me 13, autistic coin collector
>put quarter in snack machine
>hit return change so a new, and hopefully rare/old quarter comes out
>keep getting common ones
>do this multiple times
>vending machine breaks after about 10 times
>leave without telling anyone

I own a route of over 40+ machines I bought from a guy at the beginning of covid. All of them are placed in high schools so I make good money during the school year but little to none in the summer. I would suggest buying an already established route in a high traffic area like a school or a warehouse. If you buy a machine outright without a route its harder to find a location unless you have connections. Dont pay people to find locations for you because they overcharge you and dont guarantee a spot

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