I need to find a way to make money badly...

I need to find a way to make money badly. I am down to my last 50k and rent is $1600/month for my shitty one bedroom in my shit city. How can I start making money, quickly?

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Get a job
Or if you're dedicated to neeting, find somewhere cheaper to live

unironically nowhere near me is hiring for a living wage

also $1600 is an outrageously good price for an apartment right now in this area

Get a job faggot. Buy some tools and get on site or buy a grey suit and get in the cubicle.

Have you heard of kneepads?

lol 50k, you'll be alright pleb. plenty of cushion

You were supposed to live in a pod with 3 roommates. You think you're entitled to the human rights the boomers had? Fuck off.

everything is burning rn, you will hardly get anything in the short term without touching a job, I would say shitcoins like zh4o just because it is something popular rn, still there is not much you can do user, I wish you luck in your life.

user I have -$40 and 400,000,000 SHIB tokens

Learn to live a little.

Hahaha, work

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>Live in an expensive high demand area
>Can't find a job
Doesn't compute faggot. Either move to a cheaper area or actually look for a job. Tell us the city so we can post articles to you about the labour shortage there.

load up on Ampl. its about to go parabolic this month. Then move some into BTC and Zenon. Be wealthy.

Get a van and stop feeding landlords

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just move back in with your parents, problem solved.

A van is too expensive to buy idiot.

Sure peterborough, ontario. It's a small town outside the GTA that's been absolutely raped by faggots moving out of Toronto. Places that would've gone for ~1K a year ago are renting for $1800++. It's fucked. People bitch about not being able to find work but refuse to pay more than $16 an hour.

>He hasn't heard of GMT yet
Nigger, it's really simple. You just have to touch grass and make some money. It does require an initial investment though so keep that in mind unless you're absolutely broke to the point of no return, in which case there's not much you can do in that situation. Good luck.

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Greenwich Mean Time? Elaborate user

>rent is $1600/month
if you had gotten a mortgage instead and bought a house, and paid 1600 a month for a mortgage you'd now have a house worth 50% more than what you paid for it

Dude I don't even have a job, I interviewed for one for 30k a year, I have no money, my rent is 5 months behind all my utilities are shut off and molds growing in my basement, you got fucking 50k quit crying.

get two jobs