Euro bros.. are you ok? eurusd almost at parity

euro bros.. are you ok? eurusd almost at parity

Attached: Screenshot 2022-07-08 095121.png (688x295, 24.42K)

They are crashing it on purpose

I'm all in crypto.

uh vacation to europe time?

$0.50 before end of 2023, the ECB is retarded and e*ropeans won't even be able to heat their homes this winter. If you are a euro you should get into USDT right now as it's unironically safer than your currency.

>sell the dip

based. can't wait to see germans ration their hot water and sit in six blankets at home

Eurofaggots absolutely assblasted. We will see the collapse of europe in our lifetimes and it will be glorious.

europeans are racist and autistic and frankly have no value at all. the future is indian and american.

Im a eurobro with no job. All my money is in crypto. The more EUR dumps against USD, the more purchasing power I have when I sell my crypto/usd stable for EUR.

If only you wage wasnt also payed in euros

I said I have no job so I'm benefitting from this. Ofc gas prices going insanely high is offsetting a lot of the benefits.

>We will see the collapse of europe in our lifetimes and it will be glorious.
Seethe more, thirdy

Euro peons have taken their 1st world status for granted. They forgot that their rise is merely a blip on the radar of history, most of your ancestors were dirt poor and completely retarded. Return to your roots

We will and that’s a good thing since it’s jewish empire

lmao good luck with that "multi-polar" world hahaha

If you hate it so much go feel free to leave faggot

>first world
don't tell me you did fall for the meme?
they are living in dirty crowded ghettos full of shitskins they have imported, and can't afford anything because the jewish government taxes them to death

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the germans are loving it you monumental faggots, because they sell more cars that way; even trumptard said it.

it's not necessarily good for everyone but that doesn't mean it's bad for all

They need to remove sanctions from Russia, or accept death

>multi-polar world bad
You know EU isn't the center of a mono-polar world right? Do you actually enjoy being under direct foreign control? What am I saying of course you do

Germans are certainly not loving the current economic environment.

t. shithole country