Zoomer here

Thinking of just waiting until the entire boomer generation is dead before buying a house. Any possible issue with this? I doubt the (productive) population is going to increase anytime soon, and I don't wanna be bagholding a house in a Brazillified neo-favela or a ghost-town.

Attached: sailboat.png (726x723, 867.24K)

Good idea. Just wait.

homes will be quadruple price by then you literal insect brain

little fucked up retarded cunts like you are the reason everything is going to shit go fuck yourself you spastic poof

If that were the case, it's quite likely that stocks would octuple in value or more. Any similar gains in real estate would require a large amount of leverage. I also don't see houses increasing in value so much, considering the productive population reducing over time.


Attached: jocko-part2-1x1.jpg (582x582, 35.43K)

I want a sailboat so fucking bad

Just join a boating club or crew aboard some rich, but friendly people's boats if you're too poor.

Got a trailer sailer keelboat for $1000. Keep looking and talk to people at the marina. His little blue Dodger makes that shit little Hunter 22 look better than it is.

Good idea. 2 more weeks.

I don't care if I have to wait 2 more decades.

The value of the dollar will decline precipitously as the doors are thrown open to mass immigration from countries experiencing their own currency crises. Blackrock will work with government to end the 'housing crisis' by granting discount and free rentals to trannies, niggers, and nigger trannies. Housing supply will not increase due to red tape, supply chain breakdown, spiralling material costs, and death/retirement of boomer/genX tradesmen and builders.

Attached: 1656709098990.jpg (1024x768, 131.15K)

Boomers have descendants (me), they'll be renting out the houses. The rest will be bought by investing firms.
Sorry dude.


Okay, this schizophrenic prophecy all just suggests that I am right in that being tied down to a house in the US would be bad, and owning a stock portfolio (perhaps diversified to other countries and blackrock shares as well) would be good.

I'll just wait out those guys too. If the demand for rent decreases (which it would have to if the aggregate productivity of society decreases due to demographic decline), then prices will gradually decrease or stagnate in comparison to equities.

Just buy a sailboat bro, what's wrong with that?

Your thinking is correct. The labor force isn't growing. In ten years a large chunk of boomers will be dead. You don't even have to wait that long to get something inexpensive though. The upcoming recession will see a spike in foreclosures as they always do. You'll be able to grab a fixer on decent land for $200k, and the price floor will likely never return to that point as long as the home is kept in good condition.

Can't wait till all these boomies get sent to rot in retirement homes

Thr longer you wait the more the likes of Blackcock will scoop up homes and inflate prices.

Just wait for the normalization of homelessness. Normies pay rent to maintain status, not comfort. Normies buy homes to keep up with the joneses. They are also about to make welfare recipients live in multi-family units to reduce the burden on the state by half or up to 2/3.