

I need to find a career, not a job, a career

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Find something you're uniquely good at and get after it then.

Making more than me and I have 8+ years experience repairing motherboards

Use that money on crypto, career is just a wagie on roids.

why did you wait so long user?

Are you educated? University degree? Not having that limits you to grifts or hard/meanimgless work.

skills pay bills
save all your money, go to school or teach yourself something of value

mutts are making 22$ per hour and still complain

even my president doesn't make that much

you have it so easy

a small 1 bedroom apartment in a medium sized american city costs more per month than the entire GDP of whatever shithole province you live in. will turd worlders please shut the FUCK up.

how much is your rent?

georges clooney

mine? $1300 a month. i live in a town that's unironically 30% niggers.

Just keep doing it user
It really is no better

3500$ per month
1200$ rent

yeah you have it so easy
you can literally travel to Paris or London every month

>I need to find a career, not a job, a career
start a business. nobody owes you anything
dont live in a city if you cant afford it

Is that your only expense, you can just keep buying crypto every month with what you have left over and when the next bullrun kicks off you'll make it.

stocking shelves at costco is the ultimate autism job and workplace.

i'm not OP retard. also your numbers are completely wrong. his $22/hour is before taxes. take 25% off that. he's bringing home $2600 a month. his insurance is likely $150/month. his food is likely $300 a month. his car (there is no public transportation in america) likely costs him $200-300/month in fuel and maintenance if he owns it outright. i can keep going, but you get the idea.

What the fuck? What are your hours?

this is the most cliche retarded advice. no one is uniquely good at anything, and if you are, you wouldn't be asking about what career you should go into

Why income is taxed will never make sense to me

Who in the fuck pays $22/hr to stock shelves? Are you sucking the bosses dick twice a day too?

it's not cliche, it's outdated cause we got rid of natural selection, there's too many dumbed down retards walking on this planet.

>there is no public transportation in america
The fact you have to lie shows how shitty your argument is. Unless you live in Detroit, its pretty easy to get around most cities without a car

>determine skill set
>seek self-sustainable work within skill set
>rebudget to allocate funds for projects
>network or communicate if necessary to make any profit or have opportunity for it
>pace yourself, may take time if budgeting and discretion on schedule is needed
That's about it. What are you good at OP?

It's as easy as looking what skills are in demand and then learning that skill. Might take a couple years and it's better if you're not tied down to location, and it's way fucking easier single with no kids. Deadbeats on Any Forums will cry about how hopeless it is but that's only because they are emotional losers with no drive and a room temp IQ.

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