How does he have so many good buddies...

How does he have so many good buddies? He was a literal who 24 months ago and was a unknown retired real-estate investor living in South America. How did he do it bros.

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Helpppppp good budddy

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He's a good buddy himself, when you're good buddy you get good buddies, good buddy
>t. no fren bad buddy

By grifting lolbertarians and fucking Russian hookers. Pretty based actually

Qrd on George fucking hookers?

This. He’s a good buddy. He treats people well and he’s passionate about his work and helping people. That shit doesn’t go unnoticed

he met lyn at a brothel. best deep throat he ever had. not hard to believe when you see his mouth, he could gobble your whole cock + nuts. george saw he was more than a cocksucker and was more intelligent than the other trannies so he taught him economics.

>no wife no kids

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Based Gamon thread.

OK, George
Thanks for responding to your own post.
now go back to your white board ya giggling
Did you send Steve Van Metre a thank you card ? You know for that one time.

this. good buddies get rewarded with good buddies.

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>goes to fuck
>turns them down
>they give 20% discount because "he cute"
many such cases

It is easy to have many good buddies when being a member of the Best Buddies

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Can someone shop a George Gammon Apu for me?

He made buddies in 3 simple steps
Step 1. be a good buddy yourself
Step 2. break down complicated stuff into simple terms for your buddies
Step 3. buddies like what you do and bring more buddies

He's oldschool PUA, r/theredpill type dude. he grinded on theory and put it to practice. He's quoted how to win friends and influence people multiple times. And even had roosh on ffs.

>A buddy of mine
You just know when you hear these words you're in for a good story. Can you say those words, Any Forums?

he cute that's why

Hard times create strong fren
Strong fren creates good times

why is this phrase so popular