Reasons to live

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the next bullrun

Sex, drugs and rock & roll

to spite the jews

colorful equines

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Xenoblade 3

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Just because your portfolio isn’t exciting to look at doesn’t mean you should kill yourself. All being rich is is being in a nicer room. Upgrade one room in your house to be excellent and now you are rich. You can only be in one room at a time anyway. What else would change? Traveling sucks. Better food would be an upside but how much better are we talking and it wouldn’t be every meal. It isn’t like you will magically have a friend group and wife and kids. You can get those now if you try hard enough and you will have a much easier time making genuine connections vs wondering if it is just because of your money. Having massive wealth is great, but you are living your real life right now and being rich will fix no issues in your life. Try to improve.

Jesus Christ. Believe in Him user and gain eternal life. Don't suicide cause you risked your money on some stock or crypto that lost you a lot. In fact if that is why you are asking this you shouldn't even be trading stocks or crypto to begin with, the damage to your mental is not worth it.

So I can outlive nicacadoavacado
>Verification not required.

Prob one of the better posts I ever saw in this hell scape cesspit of a place I cannot leave


100% correct

licking a hot womans asshole (even in fantasy)


Meatlovers pizza and cold beer

im wondering this myself and i dont have a good reason other than not making my parents sad. but even that is becoming less of a factor for me...

>reasons to live
Watching all the redditors on Any Forums lose all their money on LUNC (Ticker: gook short liquidity scam) is pretty funny
That's been keeping me going a while now desu

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>Upgrade one room in your house
Most don't own a house. Improving Mr. shekelstein's home for free isn't something to be proud of.
>Traveling sucks
One of the few things I enjoy doing. Sure most places suck, but travelling with my friends is one of the few things I still enjoy. And there are things I can't do back home that I can do when I travel too.
You will eventually need to be a millionaire to have a proper meal. They want you to eat the bugs, stop eating real food and to become a peasant living on a diet of vegetables as if it was the 7th century and they were our kings and beefeaters. And ofc in the meantime, they still eat better than we do anyway. Having good meals takes the edge off the depressing reality of the human condition. Is it a cure? No, but it is a decent cope that you may not have access to.
You easily make friends when travelling. And even then, I still have IRL friends. I just don't have a wife/gf because women don't love men. And to the extent they do, they love Chad, and I am not Chad. My best bet is I get crumbles after she's done riding thousands of cocks and then divorce rapes me. Fucking prostitutes is immensely more pleasant than dealing with women. They know what their position is.
Under common law, if you get divorced, you'd be lucky to see them, let alone have them raised right in today's day and age. I don't want to expose children to this mentally ill planet of ours.
>Money won't fix my issues
It would allow me to cope better. There are things I can do to improve my life, point being, I am already doing them. But If I had money, I would be able to cope better with the things I can't help, one of them being that in spite of however much I may work, unless I make it with crypto, I will never be rich. I will pull 80-100 hour weeks like my dad did and still will be at best upper middle class or just a regular middle class joe.

Your philosophy is spot on, but, realistically
>All being rich is is being in a nicer room.
it also means not having to work for a paycheck every month without putting that room at risk of confiscation.

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This is only the case if you're living off government money and have kids who will also live off government money. Otherwise you're most likely just another slave.

You are still a slave even then. The reason gibs are given is so that they can better enslave the middle class and provide the bare minimum so you are still below everybody else but can still remain alive. Ultimately, it's also a tradeoff: whenever a politician that provided those gibs is about to lose his office, he shakes the gibs in front of the peasants to make them scared of losing said gibs and vote for him. Panem et circenses.

Those same people receiving the gibs would be better if the corresponding taxes and regulations that are put in place to choke the middle class weren't there. At least you would finally have real class mobility and those working or who want to work, could potentially have some sort of return.