Insider here. Spend your clubcard points ASAP before they suspend withdrawals.

Meanwhile I can confim that Nectar points at Sainsburys will 10x by EOY.

Attached: tesco.png (512x512, 27.18K)

Your mom is insolvent, I need to start pumping her uterus.

shame sainsburys are shit tier. Aldi are all that matter

bullish for greggs

Attached: 1579097447644.jpg (583x584, 144.21K)

you big liar. as it happens i did spend a £5 voucher there yesterday.

Morrisons for me

For me, it's Aldi.

business idea: brit/biz/ - all the wankery of brit/pol/ by with capital at risk

Bulgarian fud. There is a short squeeze on tesco charity blue tokens and im well positioned to take advantage.

we used to have brit/biz/ threads but the jannies and mods deleted threads and banned people who created them

yet crypto generals are allowed?

Tesco club card is a Ponzi scheme

Definitely spending money at Tess-cohen

I used to work behind the till back in the day and this old bint would buy extra stuff to round her shopping up to the nearest £ if it was like £X.20. You are literally getting a penny back for spending an extra 80p that you werent going to spend silly bint.

palpably based

daft cow. hope she's homeless now

t. insider

can confirm these clubcard points are UNBACKED and a bankrun is imminent

This is a deeply stupid was of deciding which charity to fund, only little kids cast their votes and vote with like 30 tokens at a time. system is rigged

KEK, I hope this is true

You're from Sainsburys?

Hi newfag enjoy your stay

No one else gives a shit about the blue tokens except for little kids. Hell, I don't want to be bothered with tokens, I'm just trying to shop.

Stacking blue tokens is the only actual hedge against inflation/societal collapse because they are effectively governance tokens for water distribution organizations. I've got thousands of them in a wall safe.