This is NUTS

this is NUTS

Attached: Unsustainable.jpg (1080x721, 113.72K)

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Lunc bros getting chills

does anything think there will ever be another shib?


Same goes for pope dogecoin right now

The one with the bat

>If you bought "x" "x" amount of time ago you'd have "x"
This is how you out yourself at being a virgin "investor"

Did anyone check the math on that? It seems extremely fake and gay.

it's 60 mil.

Because it is fake and gay just like every other post made to get baggies to pump their coin.

Don't need to check even
Even if you had that many coins
You wouldn't be able to sell them halfway without crashing the price to 0.

This is a major problem for big whales who want to cash out big amounts but need to do it trough many smaller transactions so they don't cause a big dump and lose a big part of the profits

>what is mcap
Lunafags don’t get it. That kind of return can only be possible with an apparently shitty $100k mcap token, because serious-looking projects start with VC money at around $100m mcap.
1. find a token with a mcap lower than 1m usd and with a 1b+usd mcap potential;
2. buy $1k worth of it
4. ???
5. Congrats user, you are a millionaire.
>hurr durr how do I find it
Shilled it to you already:

Imagine saying that buying electronic tokens is 'investing'. No wonder the boomers still run things.

The boomers still run things because they did the same thing with shitty corporations like amazog.

>Imying you wouldnt have sold for 30k, 50k, 100k etc
dude hindsight lmao

1.2B sell order would evaporate any meme coin, shiba included

boomers run things because they have their finger on the printer

Shib made me 7 digits because I was pouring all of my dumb money into stupid pajeet scams on here. The world is a joke.

THIS. But 90% of normies and people on this board will never know this feel. The price impact and shit get way too high. You have to start getting extremely creative with how you will actually cash out.

50 dollars at launch would give you 2.2 bil price zestimate

but it is what you wanted

hope to ever feel like you, i know the world is a joke, but without money currently

would rather know world is a joke but with money

They'll say the same thing about bitcoin one day

There is still SHIB

Attached: 1649874844300.jpg (400x533, 71.93K)

this is how the scam goes on. whales need idiots to invest their money so they can get richer. and idiots will always dream they can be rich, when only 1 in a million may have a chance to even make it

>market cap 5.5 billion
>"you would have 1.2 billion"
As usual, normies can't into liquidity, and literally think billions of dollars just appear out of thin air whenever a ponzi scheme takes off