
How are we holding up, obsidian bros?

Attached: ODN.png (318x158, 2.75K)

Can't believe I actually made money on this. What a time

based blackstone said app store soon

Can believe how many bullets we dodged in 2017.

You'd have to ask cryptopia they have all mine kek


I had my entire net worth in this shit (200k) at the time. Was fun being a whale for once since almost no one else was retarded enough to hold s much

Whenever I messed with the charts a bit people would instantly start accusing the devs of dumping in the slack

*sniff sniff*
Who won between ODN and IOC in the end?

Attached: sniff.jpg (226x223, 4.94K)

Pete won

I probably had 30k, fell for the master node meme and had enough to run 2. Held it all the way to the bottom, sold for like 500 bucks

Why would you make a general of a token no one's heard of before? Fuck off

kys zoomer, we are the ODN marines and we are never selling


It's unfortunate. I had a lot of faith in blackstone and the team. My slack name was MrMoneyBags if anyone's curious

I had 60k, low volume coins that you can manipulate are kino

I liked the idea...

Somehow I got out before it went down.

Ah I still have 1K ODN somewhere, wonder what it's worth today. Also still have my Payfair. I won't look cause I like surprises, it's my retirement fund :)

For me, it's PooP protocol

Seethe, this must be a BlockArray holder. Fat scam Sam sends his regards.

You will always be Indian