RLC bros keep it going


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The supply on most exchanges are running low causing large buys from binance. We will hit a supply shock and it will go $100-350.

Don't give me hope

What's a good entry for a short

This. Gonna short your digital dogshit soon but I don’t want you get scam wicked

Binance is unironically suppressing the price on coinbase somehow. Look at the coinbase order books vs binance BTC pair.

Good luck getting caught in the short wreck vortex of death. "omg its pumping so hard im gonna short" *gets rekt thanks to shorter greed*

Perfect storm. Highly shorted + muh bear market + recession + short wreckers. Long is scary as fuck too. It's a paradox, thus, it will pump.

Gonna long it because there's so many shorters

Let's just long it instead with extremely low leverage

I'm still furious from CZ doing this during the coinbase listing while I had my coins on binance. I learned my lesson but I missed selling the huge pump

Where can I find this gif without the iexec shit in the background?

dog shit

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>1 mio sell wall on btc pair
cz REALLY doesnt want this dog let loose

Do you or anyone have that link that showed the total inflow/outflows of RLC on exchanges?

>muh price suppression!!
>its a conspiracy!!

Attached: DOGSHIT.jpg (600x400, 111.46K)

oh yeah this wall is totally real user, totally not cz nigger bots

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Hard to believe 2 mil rlc sell wall is real

im surprised a billionaire hasnt fucked their assholes raw yet

That dance legitimately haunts me.

No other coins I can see have walls like that. What if someone did market buy them. And withdrawal? I'm sure it would be "held" for a few weeks

new bagholders while btc is crashing
what could go wrong?

BTC has been crashing and RLC went 100% kek retard, RLC doesn't care. It exists outside of crypto. No one knows about it.
id be willing to bet that person has a huge short position from 16$

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enjoy your p&d tho
I only hold real projects like ICP

EEA business report and the EU commission ONTOCHAIN say otherwise pajeet

enjoy your glorified centralized data center vc scam

How is this actually happening what in the actual fuck??? Like, I sold at twice the current price lmao but I thought this shit was dead and gone

>implying RLC hasn't been the sleeper godcoin this entire time
"the bitcoin of cloud computing" wasnt a meme

Icp chad here- no, you’re not going anywhere but down to an extremely painful crash and burn, no one is using This Asian hooker shitcoin- paid shilling is going on.


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i cant tell if this is photoshopped or not

absolutely based digits