Is The Graph (Ticker: GRT) unironically the next 100x? It looks like it has solid fundamentals and a solid use case desu

Is The Graph (Ticker: GRT) unironically the next 100x? It looks like it has solid fundamentals and a solid use case desu

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Idk about the pumpamentals, not there, but it's real utility. Sorry but you have to already have a stack delegated for the price beibg low to not matter (because it means more GRT rewarded anyway).

No but RLC is

No but HBAR is



rlc is vaporware with no product
grt will literally be used by every Ethereum based project

Hahahaha, yea that's the right word, added to my vocabulary now.

Gnitty Gritties

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when the hosted service gets shut off in 2023 will those with 100K stacks and above make it?

when main net gets delayed in 2023, no you will not make it

fuck you

Yes! But don't give that away or we won't have enough time to accumulate.

What you should be buying instead is FTM... the thing has crazy potential it's literally a firesale (if you know what that means even kek)

Just months ago everyone was malding and screaming about not getting into fantom when it was below $1
Now it's below again... but I just know people will miss out again because they are retarded like you and buy crap like GRT
actual DOOOOOOOG SHIT! crazy!

It's like trading a bar of sold gold for a hand of street shitter special deluxe poo if you buy GRT instead of FTM
Don't make that mistake again

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keep on dreaming user. I am the real world and Im telling you to invest in something with actual utility like MATIC.

Sir, I need you to SHUT THE FUCK UP
Go buy some project with actual real utility like dogbat instead of this muh can't go below 10c shitcoin

Actual literal unironical GRT insider here. You guys have NO IDEA what's coming on Graph Day. I want to reveal what I know so badly but I signed a NDA. What will be revealed is so fucking bullish, the pump will so massive, oh man, you guys just have no idea what's coming.

If you really cook the books with the most liberal query pricing, compounding query growth variables, and indexers deciding to be more generous with query fee cut, there's a fringe case to be made for make-it yield in 2023, but I really wouldn't gamble on it.

Realistically you're looking at maybe an extra $2-3k/yr from fees, but also a decent price recovery, so the dollar value of delegator indexing rewards should increase proportionally.

The entire industry is going to be competing with GRT by the end of next year. I mean the Coinbases and Binances of the world.

If you think you're maintaining this quasi-monopoly much longer you're fucking crazy. There have barely been any new indexers since Mainnet. Nobody is spinning up any new infrastructure.

Why do you think you're going to do better than a dedicated multi-billion dollar company? You think this is all about """""""decentralization"""""" but this bear is going to show you the truth about the real world: it's about money management.

Who is better at money management? Brian Armstrong and CZ or Mr. ""Geo - Love is Better than Hate" "Where are the fees" Yaniv?

what if I have a 500K stack? will I make it then?

So you're saying that Binance and Coinbase are going to create indexing services that are able to compete with the graph, a service that has served as the backbone of defi for the last years, and that developers are going to choose those indexing services because Binance and Coinbase are better at money management?

Cozy supplementary income but not in the retirement zone yet.

Alexandre needs to unleash composability and lock in GRT's moat so fudders shut up.

Binance steals code, tried to steal GRT's to run their own indexer and that didn't work. Pancakeswap and others are working using GRT code.

>developers are going to choose those indexing services because Binance and Coinbase are better at money management
No, developers are going to choose Binance and Coinbase because THEY ACTUALLY HAVE MONEY TO SPEND ON MAKING PERFORMANCE BETTER

No, OmegaFagger. I'm trying to tell you that when The Graph is ready, we are all gonna make it


Why would they lay off a significant chunk of their workforce if they had the resources to eat the value prop of one of their venture investments?

As for Binance,

This is a tremendous buy. The greater your hatred of money, the larger your bag should be.

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According to that chart, 70% of the supply is in circulation and the rest of the unlocks are for the Foundation and E&N.

What could possibly go wrong?

You're just delusional and ignoring reality if you think the 167 or whatever ""nodes"" of The Graph (of which MAYBE 20 actually provide remotely reliable service) are actually going to index the entire blockchain ecosystem.

The entire technology stack for the Graph flows through indexers. NOBODY has come online in the entire history of the testnet. Teams are leaving in droves and spinning up their own indexer in house because The Graph sucks AND because nobody gives a shit about decentralization of indexing so they don't suffer ANY reputational harm from the decision (for instance, Lens).

This board is so retarded. You guys just find your "data" about The Graph, project it out 25 years as if nothing is going to change, and assume you're going to "make it" next bull run. If you even only paid attention to Crypto Twitter you would see how many people are starting to hate The Graph. But you don't care enough to look.

Enjoy the delusion.

I have a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science from a prestigious university, and I can tell you for a fact that The Graph is an absolute joke.

The blockchain is already directly descended from one of the oldest and most well-known data structures in computing, the linked list, and these people seriously think they can topple the extensive research that has gone into perfecting it.

It's nothing more than soiboi webdev cope, complaining that they need their "query languages" and "logarithmic time complexity" to be able to use it, as if using big words like that will impress anyone.

And they're all even too cheap to build their own processing infrastructure to do it properly! If you can't afford to build the necessary systems to run your dApp, then maybe your dApp wasn't actually all that good?

I can't wait to laugh at you retarded bagholders when this obvious scam inevitably rugpulls, and you all act like nobody ever saw it coming.

Spicy, Ser.

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