Dude just touch grass and you’ll earn some money with this mobile app!!! It’s easy as fuck bro!!!

>dude just touch grass and you’ll earn some money with this mobile app!!! It’s easy as fuck bro!!!
Midwits in a nutshell, ladies and gentlemen.

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is that fucking hawaiian or something the candy i mean

i wish i could get payed for touching grass....

I bet there's an nft game for that too and also a scam as well as all of them are so

fucking ponzi scams all of them

so many useless youtubers scamming youngsters with that, truly depressing times

its over for this generation

ok boomer

De-fi In a nutshell

Its natural selection

I wonder why people keep falling for that

Its just a chocolate cookie

Not about touching grass, but i think there's one for running or working out or shit

not just a cookie its a topkek iconic biscuit of Any Forums

Yeah another sol based token
I wonder how would it end after liquidation

Hahahahaha This is not a paid announcement

I never understood that phrase

but it is indeed a shill thread

that's stepn right? im doing good lately minting shoes or shit

Because they're stupid whats there to ask

Sweet but fuck you anyway

At the drive thru, looking at Mc Ds billion Dollar menu, BTC at A1 Million, Think Now I will sell!

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Not falling for it

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